There are 780 premade template layouts included in the Proposal Pack Wizard software. You can build all the layouts listed below with any Proposal Pack purchased.
Order the $199 Proposal Kit Professional Bundle or a single $79 Proposal Pack for the level of line item automation software features you need in the included Wizard software and amount of content needed.
The Wizard software will build these templates as Word format documents in whichever Proposal Pack graphic design theme you purchase. The visual look such as color schemes and background images will be from the Proposal Pack design theme purchased. The layout of chapters will be the same.
Once assembled by the Wizard software they will be editable Word format documents. You also will have the ability to change the layouts with alternate chapter pages, change the order of pages, add your own line item quote data, and more.
The following is a list of contract templates which can be purchased individually and are also included in the legal Contract Packs and the Proposal Kit Professional Bundle.
The following is a list of proposal templates you can create using any Proposal Pack with the included Wizard software. This list of templates is for use with the new experimental Wizard software feature that allows you to copy and paste lists of chapters from external sources, such as AI chatbots, to build a custom template.