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Web Application Support Services Contract Concepts
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How to write your Web Application Support Services Contract

We include this 7 page template with IT/Software/Hardware Contract Pack and the Proposal Kit Professional. You will get more content and software automation for data merging, managing client documents, and creating proposals with line item quoting with a Contract Pack or the Professional.

The Web Application Support Services Contract is an agreement used when offering a retainer service for maintaining a web based application. Use this to specify exactly what the client is getting in terms of maintenance, and also to disclaim what you will not do and what you are not responsible for.
Document Length: 7 Pages
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Our best response to your tools, is when a client comments on how unique our proposal or contract document looked to them from the competition, especially when we win the contract."

Dr. Allison Frazier Jackson

1. Get IT/Software/Hardware Contract Pack or the single template that includes this business contract document.

We include this Web Application Support Services Contract in editable Word format that can be customized using your office software.

2. Download and install after ordering.

Once you have ordered and downloaded your template or pack, you will have all the content you need to get started.

3. Customize the contract template with your information.

You can customize the contract document as much as you need. If you get a Contract Pack or Professional Bundle, you can also use the included Wizard software to automate name/address data merging.

Web Application Support Services Contract

Writing Your Web Application Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Proposal Kit

Maintaining web-based applications is crucial for businesses across all industries. A Web Application Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) becomes indispensable in outlining the scope of maintenance and support services a client can expect. But what exactly is a web application support service level agreement, and at what stage of a project or negotiation is it most effectively used?

Understanding the Web Application Support SLA

A web application support SLA is a contract that specifies the maintenance and support services a provider will offer to ensure the optimal functioning of a web-based application. This agreement details the scope of services, response times, and remedies for service failures, providing a clear framework for both parties.

The Ideal Stage for an SLA

The SLA is typically introduced at the final stages of negotiation, just before the project kick-off. It serves as a final agreement on the support service level the client will receive, solidifying the expectations during the negotiation phase.

Crafting an SLA with Proposal Kit

Proposal Kit offers an ideal starting point for those seeking a quick, cost-effective solution to draft a web application support SLA. The SLA template provided by Proposal Kit is designed to be easily customizable, allowing end-users to tailor the document to their specific needs. The software's data merging feature further streamlines the customization process, enabling the efficient creation of personalized documents for multiple clients.

When to Use a Web Application Support SLA

This type of agreement is used in various situations, including but not limited to:

  • Launching a new web application.
  • Updating or upgrading existing web applications.
  • Outsourcing web application maintenance to a third-party provider.
  • Establishing long-term support for an application.
  • Clarifying the responsibilities of each party in application support.
  • Setting clear expectations for application uptime and issue resolution times.
  • Detailing the process for reporting and resolving issues.
  • Specifying the terms for renewal and termination of support services.
  • Agreeing on security standards and compliance requirements.
  • Laying out the framework for emergency support and disaster recovery.


Are you in a situation where such an SLA could protect your business interests and clarify maintenance responsibilities? There are many topics to consider in your SLA.

Ticket Submission Methods

Establishing clear and accessible ticket submission methods is critical for efficient customer support operations. By offering multiple channels such as email, phone, or specialized ticketing systems, businesses can accommodate user preferences and ensure that seeking support is as straightforward as possible. Email allows for detailed issue descriptions and attachments, phone support provides immediate personal interaction for urgent or complex issues, and ticketing systems offer a structured approach to streamline issue tracking and resolution processes. Implementing diverse submission methods enables users to report problems conveniently, enhancing the overall customer service experience.

Service Level Response Times

Defining service level response times is crucial for setting realistic expectations and maintaining user trust. By establishing clear response time frames based on the severity of reported issues, companies can prioritize support efforts effectively. For instance, high-priority issues warrant a response within an hour, while lower-priority concerns could have a longer window, such as 24 to 48 hours. Transparency in these expectations ensures that customers understand how quickly they should anticipate a response, helping to manage anxiety during critical moments and build confidence in the support process.

Issue Levels and Definitions

Correctly categorizing issues by priority level-such as High, Moderate, or Low-facilitates efficient support triage and appropriately allocates resources. High-priority issues might include system outages or security breaches that require immediate attention, moderate-priority issues could involve functional problems impacting user operations, and low-priority concerns might consist of minor bugs or feature requests. By defining these categories clearly, both support teams and customers have a mutual understanding of the urgency and importance of each issue type. This categorization helps streamline the resolution process, ensuring that critical problems are addressed swiftly while managing less urgent requests effectively.

Distinction Between Bugs and Features

Within a Service Level Agreement (SLA) framework, it is essential to establish a clear demarcation between bug fixes and introducing new features or enhancements. Bug fixes pertain to correcting errors within the existing codebase that hinder the application's intended functionality. These are issues that detract from the user's experience or the application's performance, necessitating immediate attention under the support services outlined in the SLA. Conversely, requests for new features or enhancements involve adding new functionality or modifying existing features to extend or improve the application. This type of work goes beyond the scope of standard support services and typically requires separate planning, development, and budgeting processes. Distinguishing between these two aspects within an SLA ensures that the service provider and the client have aligned expectations regarding what is covered under support services and what constitutes additional, billable development work.

Credits for Downtime

Implementing a credit system within an SLA as compensation for service downtimes that exceed predefined thresholds is a proactive approach to underscore the service provider's commitment to reliability and high uptime standards. This mechanism works by offering the client service credits or refunds that correlate with the extent and severity of the downtime experienced beyond the acceptable levels agreed upon in the SLA. Such a system provides a form of reassurance to the client about the seriousness with which the provider treats service uptime and establishes a financial accountability framework for the provider. This accountability incentivizes maintaining optimal service levels and fosters trust in the service provider's capability to deliver reliable services.


Articulating the exclusions within an SLA is critical to setting the correct boundaries around the support services' scope. This section should detail the types of services, situations, or issues that fall outside the purview of the SLA, including but not limited to problems arising from third-party services, client-side errors, or circumstances beyond the control of the service provider, such as natural disasters or acts of third parties. By specifying these exclusions, both parties can avoid potential misunderstandings and disputes over what is and is not covered under the agreement. It ensures that the client has realistic expectations about the support services and understands the limits of the service provider's responsibilities, contributing to a more transparent and effective partnership.

Cancellation Conditions

Establishing clear cancellation conditions within a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is pivotal to ensuring that the service provider and the client are on the same page regarding how and under what circumstances the agreement can be terminated. These conditions serve as a mutual understanding of the grounds upon which either party can decide to end the service relationship, such as breach of contract, failure to meet agreed-upon service levels, or even changes in business needs or capabilities. Including specific terms for notice periods, such as requiring 30 or 90 days notice before termination and detailing any financial obligations or settlements upon termination, helps prevent abrupt service discontinuation and allows both parties to prepare for a transition. Clearly, articulated cancellation conditions protect both parties by providing a structured and predictable process for ending the service agreement, minimizing potential disputes, and ensuring a professional conclusion to the service relationship.

Indemnification Clause

Including an indemnification clause in an SLA is a critical component that outlines the vendor's obligation to assume responsibility for certain legal liabilities that the client may incur as a direct result of the vendor failing to fulfill their commitments per the SLA terms. Essentially, this clause safeguards the client, ensuring that they are compensated for any legal costs, damages, or liabilities arising from the vendor's negligence, errors, or omissions in service delivery. For example, if a data breach occurs due to the vendor's failure to secure the web application properly, the indemnification clause would require the vendor to cover the resulting legal expenses and any damages awarded to affected parties. By clearly specifying the scope of indemnification, including any limitations or caps on financial liability, the vendor and the client can mitigate risks associated with potential legal actions, making the indemnification clause a key element in protecting the interests of both parties involved in the SLA.

Success Stories

Elena's Challenge: Securing Online Success

When Elena decided to expand her business online, she knew she needed a solid foundation to ensure her e-commerce platform could handle the demands of online shoppers. Understanding the technicalities of web application maintenance was outside her expertise, creating a significant challenge in her business expansion. Turning to the Proposal Kit, Elena found a straightforward solution. The SLA template provided her with a structured outline that she could quickly adapt to fit her needs. It covered essential maintenance aspects such as regular updates to keep the platform running smoothly, emergency support for unexpected issues, and precise service response times. This comprehensive SLA ensured that Elena's online storefront remained operational, secure, and responsive to her customers' needs. With this agreement, Elena could focus on growing her online business, confident that her web application was in good hands.

Max's Deadline: Delivering Under Pressure

Max, tasked with creating an SLA on a tight deadline, was under significant pressure. The acquisition of a new client was a crucial opportunity for his tech firm to prove its value and expand its portfolio. The challenge was the tight deadline and the need to produce a document that met all client expectations and detailed the specific services and response times promised. Proposal Kit's SLA template was a game-changer for Max. With its comprehensive structure and the ability to merge client-specific data into the document, Max could tailor the SLA to the client's needs without starting from scratch. This efficiency allowed him to deliver the SLA ahead of schedule. The client was impressed with the agreement's level of detail and professionalism, solidifying the new partnership and elevating Max's reputation within his firm.

Sophia's Strategic Shift: Navigating New Healthcare Frontiers

Sophia's role in her healthcare analytics company required foresight and strategic planning, especially as the company ventured into new web application offerings. The healthcare industry's stringent requirements for data security and regulatory compliance added layers of complexity to their service level agreements. Sophia needed an SLA that covered the standard scope of maintenance services and addressed these critical industry-specific concerns. The Proposal Kit enabled Sophia to craft an SLA that met these needs precisely. The template's adaptability allowed her to include provisions for data protection, compliance with healthcare regulations, and the flexibility to adapt to changing laws. This SLA became the cornerstone of her company's partnership with a third-party maintenance provider, ensuring that the new web applications would be reliable, secure, and compliant, thereby supporting the company's strategic growth.


These situations highlight the versatility and effectiveness of the Proposal Kit in addressing diverse and complex needs for web application support service level agreements. Each successfully leveraged Proposal Kit's templates and features to create tailored, professional SLAs that met their unique business requirements. Whether it was securing the operational integrity of an e-commerce platform, meeting a critical deadline for a new client, or navigating the stringent regulations of the healthcare industry, Proposal Kit provided the necessary tools and guidance to achieve their goals. These stories underscore the value of having a reliable resource like Proposal Kit for creating detailed, customized service agreements that protect business interests and foster successful partnerships.

While Proposal Kit templates offer a solid foundation for drafting web application support SLAs and various other contracts, they are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for legal advice. Always have any legal documents reviewed by a competent attorney in your jurisdiction to ensure local laws and regulations compliance.

The complete Web Application Support Services Contract - with the actual formatting and layout - is available as a single template or as part of a library of related templates in a Contract Pack or the Professional Bundle.
Web Application Support Services Contract

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Alternate documents are those which may be used instead of this document depending on your situation. Alternate documents may be better suited for projects of different sizes, more specialized projects, and variations on rights.

Alternate Documents

Key Takeaways

  • The Web Application Support Services Contract is available as a ready-to-edit template.
  • The Contract Packs and Professional Bundle include many related agreements and documents.
  • You can automate financials and data merging into contracts using a Contract Pack or Professional Bundle.
  • You can also create business proposals and integrate your contracts using the Professional Bundle.
  • There are no ongoing subscription fees. You get lifetime unlimited use.

How to Build a Legal Contract with Proposal Kit

This video illustrates how to create a legal contract using the Proposal Pack Wizard software. It also shows how to create a proposal with an invoice and contract at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I customize the Web Application Support Services Contract to fit my business needs?

Customizing the Web Application Support Services Contract involves editing the document to include your business details, terms, and conditions. The templates are designed to be flexible, allowing you to insert your company's name, address, and other relevant information. You can modify clauses to reflect your unique business practices and legal requirements.

Is the Web Application Support Services Contract compliant with laws and regulations?

The legal contract templates are written by legal professionals and designed to comply with current laws and regulations at the time of their writing. However, laws can vary by jurisdiction and change over time, so it's recommended to have your contract reviewed by a local attorney to ensure it meets all legal requirements specific to your region and industry. Templates are licensed as self-help information and not as legal advice.

Can I use the same Web Application Support Services Contract for different clients or projects?

You can use the same Web Application Support Services Contract for different clients or projects. The templates are versatile and easily adapted for various scenarios. You will need to update specific details such as client names, project descriptions, and any unique terms for each new agreement to ensure that each contract accurately reflects the particulars of the individual client or project.

What should I do if I encounter a clause or term I don't understand?

If you encounter a clause or term in the Web Application Support Services Contract that you need help understanding, you can refer to guidance notes explaining each section's purpose and use. For more complex or unclear terms, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional who can explain the clause and help you determine if any modifications are necessary to suit your specific needs.

How do I ensure that the Web Application Support Services Contract is legally binding and enforceable?

To ensure that the Web Application Support Services Contract is legally binding and enforceable, follow these steps:

  • Complete all relevant sections: Make sure all blanks are filled in with accurate information.
  • Include all necessary terms and conditions: Ensure that all essential elements, such as payment terms, deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities, are clearly defined.
  • Signatures: Both parties must sign the contract, and it is often recommended that the contract be witnessed or notarized, depending on the legal requirements in your jurisdiction.
  • Consult a legal professional: Before finalizing the Web Application Support Services Contract, have it reviewed by an attorney to ensure it complies with applicable laws and protects your interests.

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Proposal Kit, Inc. makes no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the suitability of any materials to the licensee's business. Proposal Kit, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies. Licensee accepts all responsibility for the results obtained. The information included is not legal advice. Names in use cases have been fictionalized. Your use of the Web Application Support Services Contract template and any purchased packages constitutes acceptance and understanding of these disclaimers and terms and conditions.

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