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Funding Request to Set Up a Call Center for Sunter Software
As you suggested during our preliminary phone call, I am submitting this proposal for your consideration. Sunter Software has developed a new package for medical offices that comprises recordkeeping, billing, payroll, and so much more. It will revolutionize the industry and bring the ideal of a unified nationwide system of medical records closer to reality.
Our software is currently in the final testing stages, but we already have more than 7,000 advance orders. Before we ship our product, we need to have a call center in place with 24 7 support for our clients. Sunter Software is now seeking funding to open a call center right here in Wichita. We strongly believe our proposal has been thoroughly outlined and will meet or exceed all of your expectations and requirements.
Here’s a brief summary of this proposal. With an established call center, Sunter Software will have all the elements it needs for success in the burgeoning medical software field.
The Objective
Sunter Software seeks $250,000 in funding to set up a new call center. The Sunter Software Medical Office Suite of software products has over 7,000 pre-orders and the software suite will be released soon. Sunter Software needs to have 24 7 customer support available at the time of release. Most revenues to Sunter Software will arrive after the new software is deployed, but Sunter Software needs to set up a call center in advance of deployment.
The Solution
Sunter Software has identified appropriate facilities that are available for lease, and has developed plans for staffing and setting up these facilities. Secure $250,000 funding for call center startup costs. Lease and furnish one of the properties listed on the Location Analysis page. Staff call center as specified on the Staffing page.
With an established call center, Sunter Software will have all the elements it needs for success in the burgeoning medical software field. Sunter Software has performed a thorough business location analysis for our new call center. Building 14, Mercer Warehouse Park, Wichita.
This building is surrounded by a six-foot chain link fence with a cardkey-controlled gate, which will serve the needs of call center staff and preserve security for the facility. All doors into the facility also have card-key locks installed. General Building Description. This is a large one-story building with generous restrooms and kitchen, as well as plenty of space for dozens of cubicles and partitioning for offices and meeting rooms as needed.
This building was formerly occupied by a telemarketing center, so it needs only minor updating for our needs. Area Characteristics. This area is occupied by warehousing companies and minor manufacturing businesses. As such, most traffic consists of employees and delivery trucks, and the area is quiet at night.
As we plan to operate 24 7, we need a quiet area for employees to come and go, and we don’t want to keep neighbors awake with our security lights. The Mercer Warehouse Park is easily accessible by highway and other roads, and plenty of parking is available for staff within the secure fence. 900 West Franklin Blvd, Wichita. This building has standard locks on all doors and no additional security features.
The parking lot is bordered by busy streets. General Building Description. This is a large two-story building with generous restrooms and a small break room, as well as plenty of space for dozens of cubicles and partitioning for offices and meeting rooms as needed. This building was formerly occupied by a small grocery store.
It would need to be substantially remodeled to meet our needs. This area is mostly occupied by wholesale companies, convenience stores, and gas stations. Most traffic consists of employees and delivery trucks, and the streets are busy at night, but a call center would not disturb neighbors.
This building is easily accessible by highway and other roads, and plenty of parking is available for staff within the triangular lot. The Sunter Software Medical Office Suite is the first of several medical industry packages that will be released by Sunter Software, and all software packages will require customer support via the call center. The three other software packages that are currently in development are. Sunter Software Pharmacy Suite This package will consist of recordkeeping applications and billing programs, along with access to an extensive drug and supplement database.
This software package is scheduled for release in two years. Sunter Software Hospital Supply Suite This is an inventory system that keeps track of supplies, bills them to patient insurance as they are used, and reorders automatically. The software accesses a major medical supply database.
This package is scheduled for release in approximately thirty months. Medical Records and Technology Training Package This is an online training package that will include basic lessons on best recordkeeping practices and videos on using a wide variety of medical devices. Lessons on new devices and software can be downloaded remotely from the cloud as needed, making this package indefinitely extendable. As Sunter Software grows its business by releasing new software products, our call center will need to expand to handle increased demand.
Sunter Software has detailed plans on how to grow our market share in coming years.
Strategic Sales Objectives
Sell the Sunter Software Medical Office Suite to all small to medium medical offices within our state. Expand sales of the Sunter Software Medical Office Suite to all small to medium medical offices across the nation.
Sell the Sunter Software Medical Office Suite to all small to medium medical offices within our state. We are already marketing to this audience, and have more than 7,000 pre-orders. Print and internet ads are scheduled after our release date.
Expand sales of the Sunter Software Medical Office Suite to all small to medium medical offices across the nation. As many of our in-state medical offices are part of larger national health networks, some of this marketing will occur naturally as local offices adopt our software. Sunter Software has scheduled ads in major print medical journals as well as on appropriate online sites to market across the nation.
Additional Sales Improvements
After the marketing push for the Sunter Software Medical Office Suite, we will begin marketing for our next three health care software packages, The Sunter Software Pharmacy Suite, The Sunter Software Hospital Supply Suite, and the Medical Records and Technology Training Package. Sales of all products will pay for the call center expenses, and the call center will be expanded to handle customer service as each package is rolled out.
Within a short period of time, Sunter Software will have ample funds to pay back our call center startup loan. We plan to provide the following services in our call center on a 24 7 basis for our software customers. Calls to support technicians Customers can call and chat directly with a customer service technician who can assist them. Online chat If customers don’t wish to speak directly to our customer support technicians, they can communicate via an online chat service.
Email and direct messaging When an answer is not immediately needed, customers can send email and text messages that will be answered when technicians are available. ADA-compliant communications Deaf and blind customers will be provided access to our customer service services. Remote troubleshooting Our technicians will have the capability to access the customer’s computer system to analyze and fix problems. Our call center will require the following positions to begin with.
We will expand and restructure as necessary to handle demand in the future. Day Shift Supervisor This person will be in charge of the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift, which is expected to experience the highest volume of calls. Six Day Shift Customer Support Technicians These technicians will respond to calls from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Swing Shift Supervisor This person will be in charge of the 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. shift. Five Swing Shift Customer Support Technicians These technicians will respond to calls from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Night Shift Supervisor This person will be in charge of the 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. shift. Three Night Shift Customer Support Technicians These technicians will respond to calls from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Training Supervisor This person will be in charge of training new technicians and updating training as needed. This position will be an on-call subcontractor, not a permanent employee. Sunter Software will adjust shift positions as necessary to handle call volume.
As we are strategically located in the center of the country, we may also need to adjust our shift start and end times to be most efficient. Sunter Software plans to purchase and install the following equipment for the call center. Seven Desktop Computers with Large Screens. We need our staff and supervisors to be comfortable and be able to see multiple windows simultaneously on their screens.
State-of-the-Art Programmable Telephone System. A modern phone system is absolutely key to running a call center. Users must be able to easily make selections when they call, and know exactly how long their wait will be. All technicians will be provided with headsets and microphones.
Furniture will need to be provided for six cubicles, one supervisory office, a break room for employees, and a small meeting room. As indicated on the Location Analysis page, our preferred location is Building 14, Mercer Warehouse Park in Wichita, but we would also consider the former grocery store building at 900 West Franklin Blvd. Building 14, Mercer Warehouse Park Location.
1200 Mercer Parkway, Building 14 Capacity. 500 persons This building was previously occupied by a telemarketing company, so it has ideal wiring for our purposes, with many outlets in the floors and ceilings of the main room, making it perfect for cubicle setup. In addition, it has a four-stall women’s restroom, a two-stall, two-urinal men’s room, a break room with a small kitchen, two walled offices, and a small walled meeting room.
It is a secure building with cardkey access to parking lot and building doors. Building at 900 West Franklin Blvd Location. 900 West Franklin Blvd Capacity.
620 persons This building was previously occupied by a small grocery store with offices upstairs, so it is big enough for our purposes, although much bigger than we need. It has adequate restrooms, but no kitchen in the upstairs break room, and four walled offices upstairs. Much of the building would need to be rewired to meet our needs, and security features such as cardkey locks would need to be installed. The following table outlines Sunter Software’s projected income for the next three years.
The following table outlines Sunter Software’s balance sheet ending December 31st. Although Sunter Software has only been in business for two years, we have a solid plan for the future. The three partners in Sunter Software agreed to invest $250,000 each in 2017 and $100,000 each in 2018 in our new enterprise and to take no salary for the first two years. Our current assets are multiple patents, office furniture, and computer equipment.
We currently have more than 7,000 advance orders for our new software package that will each pay $2,500 upon delivery next year, and we expect to sell many more in coming months. The following summarizes Sunter Software’s request for funding of starting our call center. Sunter Software requests $250,000 in funding to set up our call center.
Sunter Software plans to pay back this loan with monthly payments over a thirty-six-month period with 4.00% interest. Standard Disclaimer. The numbers represented above are to be used as an estimate.
The above Budget does in no way constitute a warranty of final price. Estimates are subject to change if specifications are changed, cost of doing business changes or costs for outsourced services change before being locked in by a binding contract. About us – Sunter Software is a new company created by three partners.
Iliana George, Alex Robinson, and Leo Teck. there is a great need for integrated software packages for medical facilities. Between them, they have more than fifty years of data handling experience in the health care industry, where they did their best to organize chaotic recordkeeping and billing practices by patching together multiple software applications. They realized there is a great need for integrated software packages for medical facilities, and so they decided to pool their expertise in Sunter Software, and create those packages for the industry.
Now, less than 24 months later, Sunter Software’s first software package, the Medical Office Software Suite, is in its final testing phase and will soon be released to thousands of customers who have pre-ordered the product.
I have used this product for years and the speed with which I am able to send out proposals is staggering due to this tool. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone."
The following related samples are also included in Proposal Pack:
The following related templates are also included in Proposal Pack with this sample:
These Excel calculator spreadsheets are included with this template. If you purchase a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle, these proposal pages are generated using an automated line-item database in the included Wizard software. The calculator spreadsheets are intended for use when purchasing only the sample as a static Word template.
Income Projection Calculator, Balance Sheet Three Year Calculator, Funding Request Calculator, Budget Three Year Calculator
This sample was created with Proposal Pack Communication #3. To change the visual look purchase any Proposal Pack and this sample will be created in that design theme.
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This video shows how to write a construction or contracting business proposal using Proposal Kit. Proposal Kit includes samples, templates, layouts and visual design themes for many different types of construction related proposals including home building, commercial, construction, residential, electrical, HVAC, roofing and other specialties. You can create business proposals, quotes, business plans, reports, studies, RFP responses and other business documents.
If you purchase this sample as a static template, it will be an editable Word format document; otherwise, if you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of it using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.
You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.
While this sample is an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.
To ensure your proposal stands out:
If you need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.