A little while ago, a customer found our Proposal Kit website by googling how to write a "governance plan." She needed to write a business governance plan to explain the trust and ethics issues for her company. She believed her project was unique, and she wondered how to put together a proposal from the thousands of topic templates in Proposal Kit.
Every proposal project is unique; that’s why it is important to customize each proposal you write. However, Proposal Kit’s automation features, used in combination with its vast library of topics and professional graphic designs, can handle any type of project or report.
The customer sent us an eleven-page report that described the issues involved in business governance and explained how they specifically related to the health of their business.
We could see that business governance had to do with creating an ethical culture within an organization, which would then affect performance and accountability and have implications for the overall reputation of their company.
We skimmed through her report with a highlighter and in a couple of minutes; we had a list of key words for which Proposal Kit includes templates, topics like "Trust," "Ethics," "Human Resources," "Accountability," and so on. The library of topics included in Proposal Kit is so extensive that it covers all kinds of "unique" projects because users can pull together a different set of chapters to match any specific situation. So now we had a list of topic templates assembled: all she needed to do was fill in the content for her particular project.
Then we asked her what color scheme her company used and showed her some of the color schemes the Title Page Packs come in. Color and design is a major component of any proposal or business document as well as the content, so the options include many different styles of page designs to please different types of organizations. Among the variety of design themes, she found a perfect match for her company’s style - a slate blue block design.
We ran the Wizard (our document assembly program included in most packages), and in a couple of minutes we had 24 pages of templates added to the project. We picked the slate blue cover, and created a little export file with the list of pages and the cover page color design we could email to her. She imported that file and on her computer, the Proposal Kit Wizard loaded up the same set of templates with one click of a button.
Presto! She had the outline in a professional design theme for her proposal, and all she had to do was fill in the information. In a flash, she went from being a curious but confused customer to being an enthusiastic Proposal Kit user. Here’s the list of topic pages generated and assembled by the Wizard for this customer:
Cover Letter, Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Executive Summary, Mission Statement, SWOT Analysis, Project Background, Leadership, Trust, Ethics, Reputation, Stakeholders, Code of Conduct, Officers and Board, Human Resources, Responsibilities, Implementation Plan, Relationship Management, Evaluation, Monitoring, Accountability, Conclusions, Recommendations
We frequently use the real-world experience of existing Proposal Kit customers to help new customers. In this case, we saved the list of templates for this governance plan proposal as a new addition to the hundreds of Quick Start import lists in the Wizard software. So now, any future customer can select "Business Governance Plan" from the Wizard and load that same set of templates.
Users can pick from hundreds of pre-selected “unique” business situations by using these lists. This saves them even more time because they don’t have to peruse the entire library to determine which chapters to include in their proposals. Proposal Kit also includes sample proposals and offers suggestions on related chapters users might want to consider including.
Now our new customer understands how any proposal writer can take a unique project and a specific design style, and use Proposal Kit’s automated features to quickly build the outline of the proposal document using a ready-made professional and polished design. This allows proposal writers to focus on the important work of getting the wording right.
Users of Proposal Kit have two decades of proposal writing and professional design experience at their finger tips in one easy-to-use package.