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How to write your DOJ Federal Government Grant Proposal

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The US Department of Justice Federal Government Grant Proposal is an example of a proposal using Proposal Pack to respond to a government RFP. This is an example of a Court Involved Youth Intervention Project proposal.

This is a good example to follow for any business or individual applying for government grants.

Companies and individuals responding to government grant RFPs.

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DOJ Federal Government Grant Proposal - The Narrative

Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Tribal Youth Program Youth Intervention Project. Court Involved Youth Intervention Project. Improve tribal juvenile justice systems; provide alcohol and drug abuse counseling services.

Problem to be Addressed

After the destruction and murder of the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Madrid Train Station attacks our national focus was on the possibility of horrendous terrorist crimes. Yet as our national focus shifts to the war on terrorism it is easy to forget about the threats that residents of small rural counties and Indian Reservations face every day in every part of the United States. The crisis faced by some of our rural areas form just as dire threat as 11.

Rural areas are sometimes romanticized as idyllic life yet the substance abuse patterns for Sheraton County paint different picture. Violent crime and substance abuse treatment for youth are often at much higher percentages than either state or national averages. This epidemic is stealing away our leaders of tomorrow precious resource which we can no longer afford to lose.

Number and types of incidents of juvenile delinquency in the geographic area to be served. The majority of crimes committed on the Lenape reservation by youth are for breaking liquor laws or possession of marijuana and other drugs. Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg.

While these are the youth currently being prosecuted there are also cases of truant youth which are tracked by the Tribe's education department as well as an additional youth who are undergoing treatment.


Age range targeted by proposed project. This project targets youth ages 17. We chose wide age range because as the tribal community is rather small the ability to make significant impact on community substance abuse is much greater by including younger children.

The importance of starting young with substance abuse mental health intervention cannot be emphasized enough. One critical age for substance abuse intervention is sixth grade. Only 4.5% of second graders in Shelton Middle School report using alcohol in the last month.

By eighth grade that number has jumped to 46.9% 22.3% state. And by tenth grade the number has increased to 63.7% versus 12% state. Number of juveniles to be served by proposed project. Forty five court involved and truant youth will be served in this project.

American Indian youth both male and female found in isolated rural areas and are often below the federal poverty line. These youth are mandated by either tribal or county court to treatment and intervention services. The tribal youth population between ages and is roughly youth. This project will serve almost percent of tribal youth.

Description of the geographic area to be served. The geographic boundary for this program is Sheraton County WA.

Goals and Objectives

Grow the number of Native American youth who use substance abuse counseling services by providing intensive case management family counseling and services for co occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. Performance Objectives. Project coordinator develops intervention methods and presents them to Youth Intervention Team.

Project coordinator develops database of referral services for complete psychological assessments family counseling and youth counseling services. Project coordinator implements monthly meetings between Education Team and Court Managers to discuss top three problem areas and the three most necessary steps to further facilitate coordination and intensive case management.

Outcome Objectives

Increase by percent the number of youth who access treatment services and complete percent of their Individual Treatment Plan goals before leaving treatment. Improve tribal juvenile justice system through enhanced intake assessment and enhancement of reentry programs so that both address mental health issues for court involved youth and their families.

Performance Objectives

Youth Intervention Team hires Youth Intervention Program coordinator and probation counselor. Project coordinator develops firm relationships with ten mental health service providers in the local area. Team and coordinator develop and review final format for Initial Treatment Plan and weekly activities. Collect evaluation measures at three six and twelve months in program.

Outcome Objectives

Increase by twenty five percent the number of youth who receive mental health screenings as part of court intake process. Increase by twenty five percent the number of families that are contacted when their children are involved with the court system.


This program breaks treatment into two highly structured phases. The program lasts from four to nine months. Specific treatment objectives must be completed in each phase in order to advance to the next phase.

Orientation and Intake Assessment Detoxification and Stabilization. One to three months. In this phase the counselor will perform risk assessment and if necessary refer the youth to mental health counselor for either full or partial psychological assessment. Upon evaluating assessment data the Initial Treatment Plan is developed that includes measurable goals for the youth to complete by the end of the program.

Develop Initial Treatment Plan with individual goals and objectives that will include at least of the following.

Substance Abuse Education per week hour week curriculum coordinated with Mason County Drug Court

Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Gender specific groups per week 1.5 hours OR Seven Challenges Program. Gender specific groups per week 1.5 hours. Individual counseling sessions per week.

Review with case manager and or tribal court as necessary per week. This review session is for assessing progress as well as to provide any referrals to outside services such as vocational rehabilitation training health referrals emergency assistance anger management teen pregnancy counseling sexual assault domestic violence victim's advocacy programs etc. Recovery group alanon or alateen etc. Attendance is mandatory per week.

Family counseling when multiple family members are involved in substance abuse patterns. Advancement to Phase Three to six months. Achieve consecutive clean and sober days no sanctions imposed the final week before advancement and youth are required to comply with all measures presented in Initial Treatment Plan. Phase II Intensive Counseling Therapy and Treatment Services.

During Phase II the emphasis and focus of program services change. Counseling sessions focus on more in depth problem areas preventing relapse and help the individual identify and use the appropriate community resources services that will further assist their recovery. At the end of the program the individual should be involved in GED vocational high school or pre College program.


Short surveys will be given to all participants at the end of each session in which they will be asked to grade their counselors the materials uses the mentoring sessions and other activities associated with the project. Participants will be asked to look at information about themselves and other similar programs so that they can be able to assess the program from many aspects. Assessing the process of program implementation produces information that helps shape the program.

Checking the implementation process is one important aspects of formative evaluation; without it we might never know if the designed program is indeed being delivered. Project coordinator does intake and facilitates mental health assessment for each youth. Counselor schedules weekly treatment sessions with mental health substance abuse counseling treatment providers for court involved youth.

Counselor writes Initial Treatment Plan with each youth. The youth engages in the process of writing her own treatment plan and therefore buys in to the process because she has ownership in her own treatment plan. Counselor tracks youth progress through treatment services guaranteeing that each youth is in treatment service at least times per week. This activity fosters responsibility and models positive behavior.

Performance Requirements

Youth arrive at the counseling sessions on time 98% of the time. Youth return from breaks 98% of the time on time. Limit less serious health related absences to three days per session nine months. Project coordinator does intake and facilitates mental health assessment for each youth.

Counselor schedules weekly treatment sessions with mental health substance abuse counseling treatment providers for court involved youth. Counselor writes Initial Treatment Plan with each youth. The youth engages in the process of writing her own treatment plan and therefore buys in to the process because she has ownership in her own treatment plan. Counselor tracks youth progress through treatment services guaranteeing that each youth is in treatment service at least times per week.

This activity fosters responsibility. Counselor encourages youth to attend step program abstinence based self support groups which provide peer group for accountability and improvement of communication skills. Often referred to as step program lifelong process that helps an individual to face reality of no control over own addiction.

Youth enter the program after referral from the police department at Sheraton County or Lenape Tribe. The program becomes involved with youth before they are actually tried at court. Youth may also come to treatment services through the public school system the court system or self referral. From that point their treatment need is assessed.

If the youth needs treatment beyond the scope of outpatient treatment than the client is referred to the closest culturally competent youth residential. Many of these youth come from an environment of use in which parent or guardian regularly abuses substances. Others have gone through foster parenting suffer from posttraumatic stress syndrome have been sexually or physically abused or have been involved with child protection services.

Expected Results

Analysis is conducted on how well the program carried out its stated goals. Questions asked will include. How closely did implementation match the plan.

What types of deviation from the plan occurred. What led to the deviation. How effective was the counseling. What changes should be made to improve for the next group.

What was the impact on the behavioral deviations and what was the result on the planned intervention and evaluation.

Outcome measures

The evaluation design will incorporate GPRA core construct evaluation measures. Specific questions about substance use and associated problems are included in these measures for the target population. In the outcome evaluation.

100% of the participants are aware of the in school prevention program. 95% of the participants believe that the intervention effort is worthwhile. 95% of the participants believe the effects of alcohol and drugs are negative. Participant use of alcohol and drugs declined statistically significant.

Data Management

Source of data to be collected. Data sources to be used include.

Client satisfaction survey administered at three months and exit to determine the quality of service delivery and effectiveness of program implementation;

Staff focus group every six months to gather staff member perceptions about the strengths weaknesses and accomplishments of the program;

Telephone interviews of tribal leaders and community agencies every six months; GPRA performance measures of how many tribal youth programs were implemented. Documentation from meetings and program activities. Data will be housed on Dell Inspirion and managed through MS Project software. The proposed evaluation design provides multiple sources of information which require daily management and monitoring.

Project Management

Staffing Plans. All staff meets recognized standards and certifications for their profession are tribal members and or have worked with tribes and attend annual trainings covering variety of awareness topics. All counseling and intake staff are trained to recognize symptoms of abuse and neglect sexual assault and domestic violence substance abuse mental illness and learning disabilities. Staff hired under this project are appropriate to Lenape youth community members.

Two key positions are. Project Director Responsible for overseeing the grant. Meets regularly with key stakeholders County Drug Court School and County Probations and Project Coordinator The project coordinator is responsible for day to day management and internal coordination.

The project coordinator shall give weekly reports to the project director.

Organization Chart


Project Director

Responsible for overseeing the grant. Meets regularly with Drug Court School and Sheraton County Probations. The main function of this position is to ensure smooth communication between all parties involved in the grant.

The Project Director shall oversee the project coordinator and is responsible for ensuring fulfillment of grant objectives. THIS EXISTING POSITION IS FILLED BY Tribal Chief. PLEASE SEE RESUMES IN ATTACHMENT 3.

Project Coordinator

The project coordinator is responsible for day to day management and internal coordination. The project coordinator shall give weekly reports to the project director about the grant. The project coordinator will oversee the counselor and is responsible for writing all reports as well as developing referral services with outside agencies.

This position is vacant. Administrative Assistant The administrative assistant will aid with grant administration. This position is full. Probation Counselor The probation counselor works out of Public Safety & Justice.

This position is responsible for interventions and case management with court involved youth and families. This includes intake and risk assessments; developing Initial Treatment Plan making referrals and providing all follow through on court involved youth. This position has not been filled. Youth Treatment Counselor Responsible for assessment referral and treatment aspect of treatment plan.

Incorporates leadership skills training and cultural components in program activities.

Financial Information

Fiscal control accounting procedures. In the current Fiscal Year The Lenawee Lenape Tribe had total revenues of $20,000 dollars. The Tribe has comprehensive administration infrastructure complete with finance legal and grants management staffing and other professionals very capable of managing grants of this magnitude. The Lenape Tribe conducts its business and accounting practices in compliance with federal and state regulations and the U.S.

Office of Management's Budget Circular 133 Compliance Supplement. The financial statements of the Lenape Tribe have been prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAP as applied to government units. The Tribe has annual audits by Certified Public Accountants Johnson & Jones Inc. and is in good standing as described in annual audit reports.

According to the Lenape Tribe's FY0000 Annual Report the Tribe managed $8 million in federal state and local grants and contracts and two compacts in areas of government including Natural Resources General Government Health and Human Services Public Safety Education Economic Development Heritage & Culture Social Services and Housing. This grant will be administered in accordance with federal regulations at Title CFR Parts 74. This line item covers the positions of project coordinator and youth probation counselor. The project coordinator is supervised by the Tribal Administrator and is responsible for maintaining alliances with outside agencies and writing all reports.

The youth probation counselor is supervised by the project coordinator and works in conjunction with managers in the court systems and youth treatment providers. Both positions are fundamental to fulfilling the grant requirements; including increasing the number of Native American youth who choose drug free lifestyle by the provision of case management relapse prevention services early intervention and family counseling. All positions are paid fringe benefits at the rate of 35%.

Based on total personnel cost of $25 for this year fringe benefits paid through the grant will amount to $9030. DC Training Program requires Airfare for two managers e.g. $2000.00 This line item is used to pay for the office computer assigned to data management for the project entered by the counselors and the project coordinator director. No money is being spent on supplies they are to be provided by alliance partners.

No money is being spent on construction costs. The charges for personnel are consistent throughout each stage of the project representing the cost of the project coordinator and the probation youth counselor s. Regional Training is required by the Department of Health through its office of Mental Health.

Two members of the staff will participate in the training for youth addicted to alcohol and drugs. $9030 remain the same in all three stages of the project covering all employees e.g. coordinator probation youth counselor other counselors administrative assistant. $2000 for the office computer and peripherals.

No monies are to be spent on supplies as they are donated by alliance partners. No monies have been allotted for construction. Indirect Costs have been calculated as. This line item covers the position of project coordinator and youth probation counselor.

The project coordinator is supervised by the Tribal Director and his administrative team. The youth probation counselor is attached to outside agencies and writing all reports. This position is supervised by the project coordinator. Both positions are important to fulfilling the grants objectives linked to increasing the number of Native American youth who choose drug free lifestyle.

This occurs because of case management intervention and relapse prevention services. Mental Health screening is charge as follows.

$200 per screening screenings $8000.00

Family Counselor. The project coordinator is responsible for the day to day operation and internal external coordination of project activities. The project coordinator shall provide weekly reports to the project director about the grant’s activities progress constraints and successes.

The project coordinator oversees the development and production of all written reports about the project. He must establish the case management system for youth offenders develop procedures for working with mental health providers and coordinate the Youth Project Workgroup. Minimum Requirements.

Master’s Degree in public administration criminal justice or related field. Bachelors in administration criminal justice or related field and three years direct experience related to this position. Assists the Lenawee Lenape Tribal Public Safety and Justice Department in holding offenders accountable to the terms of their court orders by organizing coordinating and managing caseload of adjudicated offenders.

This mission includes making sentence recommendations performing offender needs risk assessments analyzing restitution claims and facilitating compliance through motivational counseling clinical consultation and crisis intervention for public safety. Lack of sound judgment in the performance of these duties could result in major impact pertaining to legal situations protection of the community and the loss of freedom for individuals.


Evaluates social and legal information from offenders and collateral sources to determine actions that must be taken to satisfy the requirements of justice and deter offenders from future crime. This includes doing criminal history searches to determine public safety risk factors. Formulates self improvement plans for defendants and Communicates recommendations to court that establish set of reasonable and enforceable sentence conditions.

This involves attending court hearings one day per week and giving testimony when appropriate and or requested by the judge. Conducts pre and post sentence investigations as ordered by the court writing reports which include summary defendant background data diagnostic assessments and sentencing alternatives. Investigates and analyzes claims of victims insurance companies governmental agencies commercial establishments and professional agents to determine restitution.

Initiates the emergency detention of non compliant dangerous defendants to protect the community. Refers defendants to treatment providers and consults with these providers on clinical problems to facilitate the compliance and self improvement of defendants. Motivates defendants who are having difficulty with compliance by means of providing personal guidance in problem solving and decision making.

Monitors the compliance progress of defendants and reports it to the court in timely manner. Collects money from defendants and maintains trust account in conformity to the requirements of Washington State. Maintains detailed documentation of all chronological case events compliance information clinical and legal background information court communications and correspondence with outside agencies. Administers breath tests to defendants ordered not to consume alcohol who are suspected of being impaired when they arrive in the office.

Participates in team supervision of support personnel.


Bachelor's degree in social science criminal justice or related field required. Certification by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission for having completed the Adult Services Academy within the initial probationary period of employment. Experience in using software applications to increase efficiency in casework management preferred. Bilingual fluency in Spanish English is desired.

Time Line

Key project dates are outlined below. Dates are "best guess" estimates and are subject to change before being locked in by binding contract. Include all of the important dates related to the project here and break them down by dates and durations in the table below.

The descriptions shown are for illustration purposes only. Replace them with meaningful descriptions related to your project. Dates can include payment milestones project milestones installation schedules meetings deadlines etc.

If you have time line graphic or chart created in another application you can add it here.

Coordination of Federal Efforts

The tribe will be collaborating with the following federal state county and local agencies to insure no duplication of services shared resources and efficient operation of the project. Sheraton County Vocational Technical School. Providing joint counseling and motivational programs about job opportunities and the required training during and after completion of the program.

Joint partners in federal grant application targeting tribal youth with US DA for telecommunications efficiencies. Sheraton Community College. Tribe has two grant applications pending with the Sheraton Community College.

These collaborative efforts will further coordinate after school youth prevention activities. Application to the U.S. Department of Education for Postsecondary Education support grants targeting American Indian Students.

Applications not submitted yet in preliminary negotiations stage with WA state and US government grant agencies. Another pending application supporting this effort has been processed through the Bureau of Juvenile Justice on Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse. This grant will provide additional monies for additional probation counselors.

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    Key Takeaways

    • The DOJ Federal Government Grant Proposal is a fully written sample included in every Proposal Pack and the Professional Bundle.
    • You can create custom variations of this sample using the included software and template library.
    • The Wizard software automates quotes and other financial pages with a line-item database.
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    • Proposal Kit is made for freelancers, small businesses, and non-profits.
    • Proposal Kit product content (templates, samples, software) is 100% written by humans.

    How to Respond to a Government RFP

    This video illustrates how Proposal Kit is used to respond to government RFPs. This also works for any RFP response or complex document you need to assemble based on instructions you are given. This video shows how to analyze an RFP to pick out what major topics need to be talked about. That list of topics is then turned into a list of Proposal Kit chapters that are assembled into a custom Word document to match the RFP.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I customize this sample to fit my specific project or business?

    If you purchase this sample as a static template, it will be an editable Word format document; otherwise, if you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of it using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.

    Can I use multiple sample proposals for different types of projects?

    You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.

    How can I integrate my branding into this sample?

    While this sample is an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.

    How do I ensure my proposal stands out and wins the client?

    To ensure your proposal stands out:

    • Personalize the content: Address the client's needs, challenges, and goals to make the proposal unique.
    • Highlight your value proposition: Communicate what sets your business apart and how to deliver superior results.
    • Use professional design elements: Incorporate visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging.
    • Proofread and edit: Ensure the proposal is error-free and well-organized. A polished, professional document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

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    If you need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.

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