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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Missing Children Assistance. Fighting Internet Crimes Against Children.
Reason for grant. Provide training technical assistance victim services and community outreach. Many grant funders will require list of items to be included in cover sheet. Update this cover sheet as needed if you are given explicit instructions by grant funder.
The cover sheet is short one page summary at the beginning of your grant proposal. U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Fighting crimes on the Internet against children requires the collaboration of federal state and local law enforcement agencies in order to operationalize quick responses to advanced communications and information technologies used to exploit children.
This grant application seeks to address the online enticements and child pornography by providing training and technical assistance to local organizations and services.
The purpose of the Fighting Internet Crimes Against Children program is to help state and local law enforcement personnel develop vigorous responses created by online programming targeting children through enticements and pornography. The answer to this on going challenge includes both investigative and forensic elements. All efforts are executed through training and technical assistance.
This program addresses challenges identified through local assessments regarding the growing number of children and teenagers using the Internet and the explosive growth of pornography and sexual predators. The Justice Appropriations Act Public Law No. Directed the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to build national network of federal state and local law enforcement officials to collaborate on cases of child sexual exploitation.
Needs Assessment
The issues and problems surrounding Internet crimes against children nationally are mirrored locally in Washington State. The Redmond Washington Office of Public Safety has aggressively pursued these crimes since officially forming the Computer Crimes Unit within the Criminal Investigations Bureau CM of the local Police Department. We face the same problems afflicting law enforcement across the United States.
The steady increase in the volume of all computer related crime has exploded in the past few years resulting in less and less time for our law enforcement officers to devote to these investigations. State of Washington enforcement agency only employs agents to cover this challenge when it is clear they need full time employees. Statewide the Washington forensic labs employ only ten forensic examiners. They have repeatedly requested examiners to process all computer related evidence for state and local agencies.
Lack of dedicated resources has resulted in the Washington State taking back seat to these challenges and agreeing to participate in only the most complex related cases. Examples of work. An undercover operation by the Redmond Police Department Computer Crimes Unit Detective posed as year old girl on the Internet resulting in the arrest of local man. The predator had contacted the girl through MYSPACE profile.
He later sent her unsolicited instant messages and when answered by the detective turned the conversation into request for sex and asked to meet her at the local pizza parlor. Local high school teacher was sending child pornography over the Internet; he created images and used list serve and newsgroup. Once the Unit seized his computer it was ascertained that he had additional child pornography revealing children as young as seven years old. These examples related directly to the national problem of online predators and child pornography in southwest Washington.
Washington State had no coordinating agency therefore; we assembled our own data through surveys conducted in June and July of this year. The results clearly showed that it took less than minutes once the detective was logged on to be approached by an adult. It is expected that this funding provides the opportunity for the Redmond Police Department to expand its infrastructure and resources to affect these issues in southwest Washington State.
Goals and Objectives
Expand capabilities for the prosecution of Internet crimes against children in southwest Washington State.
1.1 Recruit and orient new Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in southwest Washington;
1.2 Ensure diverse membership of the task force and include federal state regional and local social services law enforcement and children services officials;
1.1.1 Conduct orientation meeting with recruited members of the task force;
1.2.1 Build selection criteria that ensure appropriate credentials among the members of the task force;
Write new policies and procedures to support investigative and prosecutor functions in the Internet crimes against children in southwestern Washington State;
2.1 Establish dissemination process for the task force and confirm that all members received the drafts of policies and procedures that comply with federal and state standards;
2.1.1 Confirm receipt of all draft policies and procedures by task force members;
Train and equip task force investigators with state of the art tools and techniques;
3.1 Conduct SWOT analysis to capture needs and opportunities for training and investigative processes;
3.1.1 Prepare training curricula;
Develop online case management system that is integrated across agencies with shared common tools such as MS Project; MS ShareNet;
4.1 Establish requirements list;
4.2 Analyze and finalize systems requirements;
4.3 Execute Deployment Plan among agency participants for use by task force members;
Action Items
1.2.2 Conduct regular meetings;
2.1.2 Conduct vote on the new policies to confirm their use by the task force;
3.1.2 Conduct training in accordance with federal and state standards;
4.1.1 Conduct requirements audit to ensure that content systems requirements and deployment tasks are completed on time and within budget;
Expected Results
We anticipate both financial and technical benefits to all the participant agencies as follows.
Financial Benefits
Reduced cost of training travel and execution of new procedures for field investigators generating 15% cost reduction to each agency
Lower costs in the purpose of computers software and training manuals as the task force agencies with work as group and generate new supply chain for the area that projects 10% overall reduction in costs for the above items.
Technical Benefits
Ability to track and identify predators quickly;
Ability to track calls internet contacts and instant messages quickly and efficiently;
Ability to integrate computer systems and train law enforcement officials simultaneously to respond to the new technology facilitated strategies employed by predators;
We will use an outside evaluator to conduct an objective unbiased assessment of the results of our program activity. We will seek candidates referred by the U.S. Department of Justice for knowledge of the program.
It will be the responsibility of the evaluator to answer series of questions listed below the program director will be responsible for staff cooperation and efficient response time. The evaluator is responsible for the development of questionnaire interview guides data capture sheets check lists for observations and other evaluation tools.
Determine the effectiveness of orientation training for task force members;
Inventory the number of training presentations;
Determine the effectiveness of all training and mentoring activities;
Keep count of the number of law enforcement receiving training
Keep count of the number of public presentations made both community and school groups
Development of investigative protocols complying with ICAC standards
Determine the effectiveness of the process for the development of the ICAC program.
Performance Requirements
The following performance requirements are set by the Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs.
Performance Measures
Maintain and expand state and regional ICAC task forces to address technology facilitated child exploitation and to prevent interdict and investigate ICAC offenses. Improve task force effectiveness in handling technology facilitated child exploitation and to prevent interdict and investigate ICAC offenses. Percentage increase in the number of ICAC related arrests.
Percentage increase in ICAC related investigations resulting in prosecutions. Number of computer forensic examinations that ICAC task forces complete. Number of investigative technical assistance sessions that ICAC task forces provide to non member law enforcement agencies. Number of partner agencies engaged in ICAC task force work at the local state and regional levels.
Number of ICAC related arrests during the reporting period. Number of ICAC related investigations resulting in prosecutions and the sentencing outcomes in those cases. Number of computer forensic examinations that the ICAC task forces complete. Number of investigative technical assistance sessions that ICAC task forces provide to non member law enforcement agencies.
Number of agencies that sign memorandum certifying compliance with ICAC program guidelines.
Project Methods
This project is designed to address the issue of Internet crimes against children in southwestern Washington. Within days of the project start personnel will have been reassigned and the Task Force will have had been officially formed. All policy and organizational issues will have been accomplished within days of the program start. Experienced personnel are available to be reassigned to work exclusively on the Task Force and its goals.
They will begin this effort with the formalization of the southwest Washington Task Force. This work will flow logically from the initial start and center around the two main goals of the Task Force; enhancing the investigation and prosecution of Internet crimes against children in the southwest Washington and increasing public awareness of the issues and hazards surrounding internet crimes against children. The Internet is tool used today by child predators; it provides the capability for almost total anonymity and easy access to victims and other predators worldwide.
With jurisdictional boundaries blurred or indistinct an investigation beginning in Redmond will result in having implication in other jurisdictions. The ability to network and coordinate these investigations with other agencies is essential and key factor when investigating these crimes. This project will commence with the official formation of the Washington Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force building on the informal network already in existence.
This Task Force would establish regular monthly regional meetings to exchange information and discuss past current and anticipated investigations. The Project will be located within the area of Redmond WA and overseen by the Task Force. The executive director of the Task Force will personally supervise the project with the assistance and guidance of the Task Force and the Office of the Mayor. The program activities will commence with thorough needs assessment generating SWOT analyses to help clarify the best point of entry for our training and technical assistance sessions.
After the first days of organizing the Task Force we will begin day process of identifying the correct investigative tools techniques and skills based on the results of the SWOT analyses. This investigation will lead to the purchase of the specified equipment training of law enforcement officials to use the equipment and programming and pilot test of both in the separate facilities in the community. Effort will be made to involve the City Finance Officer with an outside certified public accountant in private practice to manage our fiscal resources.
No funds will be mixed with operational funds. Next we will set up training sessions for teachers parents students interested community with law enforcement officers from the Sex Crimes Unit to ensure understanding of resources and help that can be obtained. The project will be developed over the next months using the first month for organization second month for equipment purchase validation of needs characterization of technical and social services requirements and finally "hands on" opportunities will start with the staff.
Months four through six will provide an opportunity to test the new equipment capture feedback from the law enforcement personnel and the consultant and demonstrate interdiction whenever possible. A final evaluation report will be presented to the Office of the Mayor at the close of month six to be shared with the U.S. Department of Justice based on the analyses of the measures set to gauge our progress and success.
The Implementation Plan template describes timeline of events that includes the key requirements of the DOJ guidelines. Each phase can incorporate the user’s needs to explain how the project will be researched planned tested executed evaluated and reported back to DOJ. The City of Redmond WA. has formed strategic partnerships with the following agencies and organizations. Leveraging our relationships with these leading resources will ensure that the end result of the project is more successful by providing us with the resources needed to complete the project.
This project did not qualify for indirect costs according to DOJ guidelines.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Included is the detailed cost benefit analysis for the project. The costs for the development operations and on going maintenance of the project vs. the benefits are summarized for year period. If you have detailed cost benefit analysis data tables graphs graphics output from Cost Benefit Analysis software etc. include it here.
Include the total project cost for time period and the total income expected to be generated and or saved during the period. This can be converted into the expected ROI Return on Investment of the project. You should be able to show that the ROI is high enough to justify the project. If monetary ROI is low then the benefits should be tangible enough to show valid reason for developing the project.
The Total Costs is the total cost of production operations and on going maintenance. The Benefits are the financial benefits to the customer such as income generated cost savings etc. The Net is the Benefits minus the Costs.
The Ratio is the net divided by the Costs. The ROI is the Ratio times 100. For example Total costs for year are $10,000.
Total benefits for year are $15,000. The Net is $5000. The Ratio is.5 and the ROI is 50%. This template was not required for the final proposal submitted to the government agency so it was not filled in.
It is included in the sample as an optional template the proposal writer could have added. The final proposal submitted to the agency deleted this page from the framework.
Project Management
Seven police departments will be organized around the Task Force which will have offices in Redmond Washington. Centralized purchasing will be housed at the most central office for all departments. During the term of the grant policies and procedures will be developed to ensure that consortium purchasing is understood and that the Task Force receives the "best available products at the best prices".
Orientation training and equipment user manuals will be distributed to the personnel involved in the project and all members of the Task Force. Additionally all police departments will receive copies of these manuals for their own use. Training will be schedules three times month for months. The consultant will interview law enforcement officials social services agency representatives community leaders and police personnel associated with the investigations and forensics work required to capture the predators.
The Task Force will evaluate the project following outcomes goals and objectives. All records will be located in the Redmond Washington Office of the Mayor. Documentation will be maintained on daily basis during the project and provided as single report at the close of the project after six months.
All documents will be kept in the Office of the Mayor.
The purchasing function will remain independent of the individual police departments once the equipment training resources and software have been purchased. Training processes will be tested and validated as result of this grant funding. The funding will give us the opportunity to identify the key factors in success for capturing predators what works with children and their families to prepare them to be on guard for approaches made by predators and we have negotiated an agreement with the local public schools to facilitate the preparation and reproduction of materials needed to be shared with the general community and agencies.
Continued training for law enforcement personnel will be maintained by funds directly from the U.S. Office of Education under its postsecondary support programs for working adults. These monies will allow us to assess identify needs fabricate solutions and retrain professional staff.
Redmond Washington Office of the Mayor and Police Department have the following capabilities needed to support this project. Trained professional staff on board in the areas of sex crimes and forensics;. Installed computer and advanced communications technologies capable with the interdiction tactics required to catch the predators;. Existing funding to support training and mentoring of additional staff.
This is the first opportunity to expand on these services to our area.
The following personnel will be assigned to this project. Personnel have been selected based on their ability to work together as team with specialties in related projects. Lawrence Jackson is the Director of the Redmond WA Police Criminal Investigations Unit.
Mr. Jackson is highly decorated police veteran with years experience on the force of which have been in investigations. Currently the Commander overseeing major investigations. Robert Smith will oversee the robbery homicide squad and collaborates with the sex crimes unit on regular basis regarding situations in Redmond and the surrounding areas. Gerry Jones will be assigned to the Task Force because his is decorated veteran of two police departments having combined experience of years in law enforcement.
Carolyn Jennings has years investigative experience to the Task Force from her time in the Smithfield Police Depart and from the tenure at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She has received numerous awards for her work with children especially regarding Internet fraud sexual exploitation and kidnappings. Denise Rogers will be assigned to the project.
She brings six years experience at the Redmond Police Department focused on communications systems for emergency services. She has expertise in systems design and analysis. She is currently serving the Sex Crimes Unit as support staff.
Michael Battle is the director of the Computer Crime Unit and brings fifteen years experience to the job. Graduate of Illinois State University in Computer Science and Master’s Degree from Washington State University in Computer Intelligence he will serve as strong leader for the Task Force in developing alternate approaches to the predators. It is included in the sample as an optional template the proposal writer could have added. The final proposal submitted to the agency deleted this page from the framework.
Budget Detail Worksheet
Purpose. The Budget Detail Worksheet may be used as guide to assist you in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. You may submit the budget and budget narrative using this form or in the format of your choice plain sheets your own form or variation of this form. However all required information including the budget narrative must be provided.
Any category of expense not applicable to your budget may be deleted. Personnel List each position by title and name of employee if available. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the project.
Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. Fringe Benefits Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project.
Fringe benefits on overtime hours are limited to FICA
Workman’s Compensation and Unemployment Compensation. Travel Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose e.g. staff to training field interviews advisory group meeting etc. Show the basis of computation e.g. six people to day training at $X airfare $X lodging $X subsistence. In training projects travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately.
Show the number of trainees and the unit costs involved. Identify the location of travel if known. Indicate source of Travel Policies applied Applicant or Federal Travel Regulations.
Equipment List non expendable items that are to be purchased. Non expendable equipment is tangible property having useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5 or more per unit. Organization’s own capitalization policy may be used for items costing less than $5. Expendable items should be included either in the "supplies" category or in the "Other" category.
Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment especially high cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project. Attach narrative describing the procurement method to be used.
Supplies List items by type office supplies postage training materials copying paper and expendable equipment items costing less that $5 such as books hand held tape recorders and show the basis for computation. Organization’s own capitalization policy may be used for items costing less than $5. Generally supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Construction As rule construction costs are not allowable.
In some cases minor repairs or renovations may be allowable. Check with the program office before budgeting funds in this category. Consultants Contracts Indicate whether applicant’s formal written Procurement Policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulations are followed. Consultant Fees.
For each consultant enter the name if known service to be provided hourly or daily fee hour day and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of $450 per day require additional justification and prior approval from OJP. Provide description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts.
A separate justification must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of $100,000. Other Costs List items e.g. rent reproduction telephone janitorial or security services and investigative or confidential funds by major type and the basis of the computation. For example provide the square footage and the cost per square foot for rent or provide monthly rental cost and how many months to rent.
Indirect Costs Indirect costs are allowed only if the applicant has Federally approved indirect cost rate. Copy of the rate approval a fully executed negotiated agreement must be attached. If the applicant does not have an approved rate one can be requested by contacting the applicant’s cognizant Federal agency which will review all documentation and approve rate for the applicant organization or if the applicant’s accounting system permits costs may be allocated in the direct costs categories. This project did not qualify for indirect costs according to DOJ guidelines.
This template was not required for the final proposal submitted to the government agency so it was not filled in. It is included in the sample as an optional template the proposal writer could have added. The final proposal submitted to the agency deleted this page from the framework.
Key project dates are outlined below. I am writing this letter in support of the application of the Redmond WA. Police Department for an Internet Crimes Against Children grant.
My office is pleased to partner with the both the Redmond and Seattle Police Departments in this effort
Our organizations have agreed to work through purchasing consortium for equipment software training materials and consultant services to reduce the cost of the program. We understand that Redmond Police Department and the Office of the Mayor will serve as the "hub" of our activities and will document progress monitor efforts and work collaboratively to share data. Our role will be to serve as participants initiators of targets and evaluators of the strategies used in the grant.
The law enforcement community is being confronted with an expanding number of crimes and criminals targeting our young people through illegal activities conducted over the Internet. The sophistication of those individuals who would offend in this fashion poses great challenges to taw enforcement in all aspects of such cases including the detection of that kind of criminal activity the development of effective countermeasures at both prevention and accumulation of sufficient evidence to support an arrest and courtroom prosecution. Therefore we are committed to the success and progress that this project offers to all of our communities.
Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 7`s Street NW Washington DC RE. Redmond Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children ICAC Grant Application, Dear Administrator Flores. Please accept this letter as my support for the Redmond Police Department's ICAC grant application.
As you are aware southwest Washington does not have any grant holders for Internet Crimes Against Children Initiatives. The grant would allow the Redmond Police Department to assist and support law enforcement agencies to handle complex investigations regarding crimes against children. Our police department has been leader and innovator and seeks to enhance their online technology skills tools and responses for our communities.
List of Supporters
The following companies and organizations have demonstrated their support for our project. Feel free to contact any of our supporters about their experience with Redmond Police Department. American Factfinder Maps are required to validate each address in the Site Worksheet for each site in the proposal as seen below.
Note that typical applications require one map for each site identified to participate in the project.
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