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How to Write a Janitorial or Cleaning Proposal

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This video shows how to write a janitorial or cleaning related proposal using Proposal Kit. This can be a services sales proposal, product sales, business startup funding, buying or selling a franchise, government RFP responses and so on. Proposal Kit has many pre-made visual design themes for janitorial and cleaning use as well. Samples of prewritten commercial cleaning services and cleaning product sales are also included in every Proposal Pack.

Read this related article: How to Write a Janitorial or Cleaning Business Proposal

Proposal Pack HelpWatch this related video: How to Write a Proposal that Wins

Here are some related downloadable samples
Here are some related downloadable templates

In this video we're going to show you how to create a janitorial services or cleaning related proposal using Proposal Kit. Most commonly, people use this for janitorial services, usually commercial cleaning. You can also use it to create janitorial product sales proposals, government RFP responses, maybe you might be buying or selling a cleaning franchise or writing a janitorial services business plan.

So any aspect to janitorial services for any business reason you can create a proposal for. If you look at our website we actually have an article how to write a janitorial or cleaning business proposal. If you scroll down this article it'll have some links off to some samples.

Using the Wizard software you can rebuild any of these samples and reuse them as your own starting point and create editable versions. You can create them in any of our design themes so if you see a sample here that has a different visual look you like you can pick any of our design themes to create that sample in and make it an editable version of your own. You can scroll down the article and it'll have some links off to a some more more commonly used or related janitorial design themes.

We have hundreds and hundreds of design themes. These are the ones that are specific to janitorial services but we have lots of others that could be used as well. You can also create your own design themes using the Professional Edition or using our basic Novice Edition you can just import your own logo and you can customize a little bit.

So we're going to illustrate this video with our Janitorial #3 design theme and we're going to show a janitorial commercial cleaning proposal. So every time you're going to create a document like a proposal or so on in the Wizard you click this Document Projects button. Then click Add a New Project.

Okay, so on this Pick Documents screen is where you're going to select all the chapters for your proposal. This janitorial services is going to be a fairly common type of proposal and the check boxes on this forty most common templates screen will cover basic service proposals. So you might check off a Cover Letter, Title Page, Services page, your About Us page, Back Page, an Estimate or Cost Summary.

That'll cover it for your basic services proposal but you might also want to start with a premade list or even though one of our samples. So we happen to have some samples that are janitorial related. You can just come to the View Samples tab and you can scroll down since they're in alphabetical order and we happen to have a janitorial services sample.

Or you can use the Search Samples button and just search on a word like janitorial or cleaning. So just like that and we can import this into our project and since this is a sample of ours that's been written by someone else and filled in you can reuse our samples and build your own editable versions using this View Samples tab. There are 200 samples in here to pick from and a couple of them are going to be janitorial related.

You can also go over to this Quick Start tab and you'll find the same janitorial services sample or in the Quick Start tab. Now the Quick Start tab has got over 600 situations in it. We can search here for janitorial or search for cleaning.

So we find a carpet cleaning services and hospital cleaning. Now these other ones that aren't samples you will still be able to build a template with all these chapters but they'll be fill in the blank. The difference between a carpet cleaning or cleaning services that is a more specialized one like hospital cleaning is a hospital cleaning template can have more chapters in it to talk about like safety issues, hazardous materials and so on.

You'll see a post construction cleaning services, that's more construction cleaning related with cleanup. It's going to have more chapters to talk about about disposal, recycling, site cleanup and things like that. It's going to show the Janitorial Services Proposal and if you pick anything from this Quick Start list and it happens to also be in the samples list you can import that content from here as well.

Also the layouts over in this Quick Start tab we sometimes have additional fill in the blank boilerplate chapters in addition to what's in the samples. So these Quick Start lists will expand on the situations a little bit more and maybe give you some more ideas to think about as far as chapters you might use. So we've imported 13 pages.

Maybe your services proposal doesn't have to be 13 pages. If it's only five or six pages you can strip out a bunch of these extra pages you don't need. We're going to show a very comprehensive example.

We filled in the Client Data screen, we've got the Company Data filled in which is us, our company. Whatever you put in here for your name and address information will get merged into the templates. We have our documents selected, we've got the project set up.

Now we've turned off the Excel dynamic linking here just for purposes of the demo for the Novice Edition. We're not going to be linking Excel spreadsheets into the Word documents but that is a feature available in the Professional package. Once you click that OK, Use Selected Templates button this is when the Wizard is going to generate the document.

Assembling all the pages in the design theme you've purchased, pulling in the content, merging in the data and so on. Okay, now the documents have been generated and let's take a look at it. You can see the name and address information has been merged into the Cover Letter, it's pulled in the actual sample content here and this is using the Janitorial #3 design theme.

Note it looks a little faded here, that's just Word how it looks in editing mode. If you double click into the headers you'll see the background pictures in the full color and when you save as PDF or print it's all going to be in full color. That's just how Word works.

You'll see the Cover Letter. Here's our title that we put in the data screen. It has our name and address contact information and the Table of Contents and all the list of pages that we had in the list.

You can see it pulled in the sample content into this page for the services, pulled in the sample content for some other pages, recycling info, reliability. Some of these since we used the Quick Start import added extra pages on top of what's in the actual sample. So when you you when you add extra pages then those will be these fill in the blank templates.

Some of these other pages such as the Company History this is getting pulled in from the actual sample that you can then edit. Same with Qualifications, that's pulled in from the sample and so on. References obviously you're not going to be able to use someone else's references from a sample so this will be fill in the blank content.

That is how a document is generated for a janitorial services proposal. I will show a second example here that'll illustrate this in a different design theme as well. Now note that you will only use the design theme you purchased.

We just happen to have all of our design themes in the demo here so whichever one or more design themes that you purchased are going to be what you can select in the style list. Just like your website, your business card, typically all your proposals are going to go out in one design theme. So you just when you purchase the design theme you just pick the one that's going to have the look you want for all your documents.

Well this next example will show a another one of our samples which is cleaning related which is selling cleaning related products. We'll select that from the samples tab here. Now we'll just search the samples for the word cleaning.

We're going to select a basic product sales sample proposal. It just happens to be cleaning product related and we'll click this Import Content from Selected Sample button. You'll see the pages that are going to get imported with sample content and now we can add to this list if we want to go and add additional chapters.

Any of the thousands of templates that are in the system you can add to expand on what you want to talk about. Now you can go to this Add Templates tab and click on this drop–down. Click the home services selection of chapters and you'll find some specific chapters you might want to add.

If we want to talk about disposal or cleanup, maintenance, anything extra, if you're doing housekeeping, cleaning. If you want that as a chapter you can add to your list. These ones might be good for services sales but for product sales now we can come down here and click these entries for product sales and we'll get additional chapters that are suited for product sales proposals.

So say if you're selling cleaning products and you want to talk about your packaging or shipping and handling details, delivery details, price comparisons and so on. If you want a page for product visuals to put photos of your packages, bundles and so on. We have thousands of templates in the system you can add anything in our system to expand on your proposals.

So let's just say I want to add a Return Policy page to this proposal. I've just checked that and we'll look at our list of templates. We'll just move the Return Policy down after the Guarantee to the last section.

Since I'm adding an extra page on top of this proposal this extra page is going to be boilerplate content not the fully written sample. These extra pages will be fill in the blank content for you to edit yourself. Now that we've selected all our chapters click this button OK, Use Selected Templates.

We're back on our project page. Just give this a title. I'll just reuse one of our stock clients and once we have the Company Data filled in, the Client Data is filled in, we've selected all the chapters.

It's going to pull in the sample content and we can save the project and let the Wizard build our document. Okay, this document has been generated. Let's take a look at this and you'll see the same name and address information and you'll see this is a different Cover Letter pulling in the sample content.

This is the Bubbles #1 design theme. The last one Janitorial #3, that was a photo design theme this is a line art design theme. You'll see the Benefits page that's been pulled in from the sample this is all editable text.

You can customize this and make it your own, Features page, Recycling page, Price List page, About Us page and so on. Products page and the Return Policy page is the custom page we added. So you can generate any number of combinations of design themes and lists of chapters and drop in content to create any kind of product sales, service sales, any type of proposal.

What you see here in these examples this is just one of countless possibilities. I will show one last example and will show a franchise sample selling a cleaning franchise and we'll illustrate this with our Janitorial #2 design. Just like before we'll click the Document Projects button, Add a New Project and since we just happen to have another sample that's a cleaning franchise sales we're going to just use that sample.

Like the others we just go over here to the samples tab or the Quick Start tab. You can search for the word franchise and that will import the topics from this list and it notifies us that there is sample content for this layout. We'll import that, that's our list of chapters.

We'll just stick with the stock list of chapters and like before will fill in the Company Data, Client Data, also give this a title. Now that we have everything selected we just built a document. All right, now there's our last example has been generated.

Let's see what this looks like. Here's our sample content it's pulled in and this is the Janitorial #2 design theme which is another line art design. This sample was a selling a cleaning franchise sample.

The Table of Contents, all the chapters are pulled in and you can see some sample content it pulled in here. You can just edit this to make it your own. Note the samples are just one specific person who wrote a proposal for themselves one way and you get to use that sample content.

Maybe it will help you get your writing done a little faster. It's up to you, it totally depends on the situation but you know if you have content anywhere you've created whether it's off your own website, documents you've written yourself or content you found somewhere else on the internet you can copy and paste anything that you have into the pages here and then edit as needed. This is one more example of how to write a janitorial or cleaning services related proposal whether it's selling or buying a franchise, selling cleaning products, doing commercial cleaning services, whatever your situation is.

How you use Proposal Kit is just a matter of picking a design theme, selecting a set of chapters, if there's some sample content importing that, setting up some data and generating a Word document template. Then it's just a matter of word processing to finish filling in the content. That's all there is to it.

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Using our professional quality proposal and contract packages, wizards, and support documents to develop your proposals, business plans, and other business documents will give you a comprehensive final document that will present you and your organization as a highly professional alternative that instantly inspires trust.

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