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How to Use the Title Page Packs

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Title Page Packs are collections of alternate designs for swapping out the plain black and grey Title Page design in the Proposal Pack for Any Business design theme with a more colorful design. This is only used in the plain design theme Proposal Pack for Any Business and not for use with any of the line art or photo designed Proposal Packs.

Proposal Pack HelpWatch this related video: Adding Your Logo and Matching Color Scheme

In this video we're going to show you how the Title Page Packs work with Proposal Pack. So we're going to illustrate this with the Proposal Pack for Any Business design theme as that is the design theme the Title Page Packs are meant to be used with. Now we do have hundreds of Proposal Pack design themes.

Those are our custom line art and photo design themes. Any other Proposal Packs with those design themes have their own custom title page design that's used with that design. So say Proposal Pack Architecture #1.

That has an architectural design theme and it has its own custom title page to match. So you do not use the Title Page Packs with a graphic design theme. The Proposal Pack for Any Business is the plain looking design that is just black and white text on the pages and that is easy to swap in any one of hundreds and hundreds of title page backgrounds because it is not going to clash with any other pages in the document with this design theme.

So we'll illustrate just creating a stock document without using a Title Page Pack first. And the Title Page Packs are just replacements for the title page template. That's all they do is they just replace that one front cover design.

So we'll create a very short proposal and the other thing the Title Page Pack will affect is the color scheme applied to the rest of the document. Now that color scheme is going to be font type colors, page borders, bullet point colors, cell colors and tables and so on. So I've selected five pages.

We'll just build a stock out–of–the–box document with no changes. Okay now the document has been generated. Just open that up and you'll see this is the stock out–of–the–box plain black and white text and some gray boxes in the title page.

And this only applies to the plain looking Proposal Pack for Any Business design theme as this is the design theme that is intended for people to build up their own design theme or for those who want a very conservative looking plain design that's good for government RFP responses and so on. So you see here everything is just shades of grey, black and white text, no added graphics or colors to the document. As opposed to our hundreds of other design themes that have full–color photo and line art design themes across all the pages.

So since we're illustrating our Title Page Packs those are designed for this Proposal Pack for Any Business to do a simple change of just this front cover with these gray blocks. So now that we've showed you the out–of–the–box document that its going to generate we can just go back and edit the project. Now the Proposal Packs come with Volume #1 of our Title Page Packs.

We do have 40 different Title Page Packs. Now our Expert Edition, the Professional, will have five of these 40 packs. You'll see that each Title Page Pack has five different design.

Each one of the five designs is in 120 different color schemes. Some of those color schemes also have a little bit of extra design like say a woodwork style background. Most of them are solid color designs.

So you'll see the design themes and I'm showing you a page on our website that has all of them. Title Page Pack #5 you can just see has a lot of block designs. For the most part you can just look through the Title Page Packs to find one that you think you like.

Say, Title Page Pack #11. The first design, that might be a good one for a DJ or an entertainment company. Title Page Pack #12.

It's got some globe designs in here. A lot of the designs are just different variations on shapes and so on. Title Page Pack #15 and #16.

Those have some racing looking graphics. So you can just look through all these and find one you like. Again, these Title Page Packs are all completely optional.

They're good for people who don't have much design skills or who just want a quick and easy design. Now using our Expert Edition you can actually create your own design themes using your own photos, your own backgrounds and so on based on your exact color scheme and logo. This Title Page Pack #40 has some more designs that would be good for say real estate, painting, and so on.

So whichever Title Page Packs you've purchased or that come with your Proposal Pack or your Pro Kit will be available in the Title Page tab of the Pick Documents screen. So we're using the same project that we just built that last document from and will keep the same five pages. But now we're going to go to the Title Page tab.

Okay, so now we're going into the Title Page tab. And we just happen to have all 40 designs loaded. So whichever one or ones that come with your Proposal Kit or Proposal Pack or that you've purchased individually will be in this list.

So we'll just illustrate Volume #1 since that's included in everything. And you just click the Select a Color Scheme and Design button and now you can page through all 120 pre–made color schemes. So let's just pick an orange/blue/gray scheme.

So in Title Page Pack Volume #1 the Blocks design. That is going to look almost the same as the stock block design that comes in the Any Business style. So if you want to keep that block design just click here.

Let's select the Blocks style and pick a different color scheme. Or, you know, we can pick say the Arc design and we've picked the blue/orange/grey. Once we've picked one of the five designs and we've picked a color scheme we just click the Use Selected Design and Color button.

And you'll see the color scheme and the design that's been selected will show here. That's all you have to do. We can just click Ok.

Since we've already built this project we've got to delete the files and start over again. So now we're going to regenerate the same document but now it'll have a different color scheme and it will swap out the gray block design of the Title Page with the blue/orange/gray Arc design. Okay, now we've regenerated the document.

Lets take a look at that. You'll see the front Cover Letter is always a plain document without any colors or design and you'll see the Arc design. And note that Word will fade out the full color of background designs that are in the header or footer.

This is only a display issue. It's not going to apply when you save it as a PDF or print it. So if you just double click in the header you see the full blue and orange color that will be in the final printed or PDF version.

You'll see the blue/orange/gray color scheme has been applied to the various pages. So this is the same document as the original in the gray except it's got a slightly different color scheme and a different front Title Page. I'll just illustrate one final version using a completely different Title Page Pack.

We'll just show Title Page Pack #39. And this has one design Circuits that can be like a technical design. I will just find a color scheme we like.

I'll just go with the green and purple design. You'll see this has been changed. We'll just rebuilt the document again.

So this is a good way to use the Proposal Kit to make iterative design changes to a document when you're first getting started to kind of dial in the design, the color scheme and so on. Leave your list of chapters and just get the document just right for your needs before you start generating and editing your final versions. And if you need to step up at some point to a full color design theme you can do so.

If you have the Expert Edition at some point you can start creating your own custom design theme with your own background graphics and custom color schemes, typography and so on. So the Title Page Packs are intended for a quick and easy swap of the front Title Page with the plain design theme and a premade color scheme. Okay, now we've generated the document again.

Let's take a look at that. So now you'll see we have this technical design theme with a purple green color scheme. And you can still completely customize a lot of this.

Say if we don't like the purple text here. What if we want to tone that down a little bit. We can go into the Word Styles.

I'm going to modify. Let's just change that to black and you'll see that changes all the chapter headers to black. Same thing, we can change these page border colors.

You can customize all of the colors here after the fact or during assembly. So that's how you use the Title Page Packs for just a quick and easy swap of the front Title Page to a different design and different color scheme using the Proposal Pack for Any Business. Make sure you look at our website for the hundreds of full–color line art and photo design themes and the Expert Edition of the Wizard for creating your own full design theme.

There are other videos that will cover how to do that.

Proposal Kit LogoPublished by Proposal Kit, Inc.

Using our professional quality proposal and contract packages, wizards, and support documents to develop your proposals, business plans, and other business documents will give you a comprehensive final document that will present you and your organization as a highly professional alternative that instantly inspires trust.

It will provide you with the inside track. You can order and instantly download the Proposal Kit that best suits your needs.