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Help me Choose a Proposal Kit Product

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One of the most common questions we get from new customers is which product they should get. The answer is easier than you might think at first. Because we include the content for all types of businesses and completed samples for many types of businesses in every single Proposal Pack you only have to decide what visual design theme you want to start with. This video will help explain how to go about selecting a Proposal Pack or Professional bundle.

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Proposal Pack HelpWatch this related video: Proposal Kit Product Overview What's Included & How it Works

In this video we are going to help you decide on what Proposal Pack product to purchase based on the kind of proposal or the kind of business you are in. One of the most common questions we get is what package do I get for what kind of business I do. That can be I'm a security guard company or we're an accounting company or we need to submit a government RFP response for a community project.

The answer to all of these questions is always that it doesn't matter which Proposal Pack product you get. The Proposal Kit Professional bundle or a single Proposal Pack will work for every business and every type of proposal. Types of proposals are your general project proposals, product sales, service sales, responding to an RFP, submitting a grant, writing a business plan, and so on.

To start with, how you find all of our products and start looking through them is you can click this Order Here button or the Proposal and Contract Products link. Click that and that will take you to these numbered buttons. While we have hundreds of variations on our Proposal Packs the choice really comes down to two.

You can get the Proposal Kit Professional bundle which is a steeply discounted bundle of twenty of our products. If you click the Proposal Kit Professional link you'll see a list of everything included. All six of our legal Contract Packs.

That's the Advertising and Marketing, Photography and Media, IT/Hardware and Software, Web Freelancer, General Contractor and so on are all included in the Pro Kit bundle. We also include five different design themes of our proposal templates. Now most companies will write all of their proposals and documents in one design theme and this is how we have all of our packs broken out is by visual designs.

The type of business you're in or the type of proposal you're writing can be done with any single one of our Proposal Packs. You only pick one based on the visual design theme. So in the Pro Kit bundle this Proposal Pack for Any Business is the one that's most commonly used by established companies who have their own logo and their own design for their business already.

This is the brandable pack where the all the templates start out more or less black and white text and you can build up your own design theme. Or that's the pack that's best used for government proposals where you want a very conservative looking document. Also included is the Proposal Pack for Government Grants which is again very similar.

It's a very conservative design theme with just a little extra color design in the background. The Classic #1, again that's a very conservative looking design with a just a little bit of extra graphic elements to it. The Global #1, that is a more colorful design.

It's got a blue and gold globe logo design to it. Also, you get a pick one of our hundreds of add–on design themes of your choice with the Pro Kit. So this is a good option for people who want to use one of our pre–made design themes and not take the time to build up their own design theme from scratch.

Also included are five packages of our front cover title page designs. This is good for people who want to use this Proposal Pack for Any Business but you want to swap out our stock simple design theme for the front cover with a more colorful design theme. Also included in the Pro Kit are the hundreds of completed samples and these hundreds of completed samples are also included in all of our single Proposal Pack products.

A couple things that are only included in the Pro Kit that cannot be purchased separately are the Estimate Pack and Project Management Pack which also includes the Records Management Toolkit. These are large libraries of additional documents outside the scope of the proposal and contract templates. The last thing included in the Pro Kit is the Expert Wizard software.

This is the Word for Windows add–in automation software that helps you customize building any type of document and also creating your own custom design themes much more efficiently. So the Pro Kit is the best option if you want the most amount of material in one big package or if you are thinking of getting more than one product. Once you start thinking about getting more than one product like a Contract Pack and a Proposal Pack you are better off just getting the whole Pro Kit bundle.

The Proposal Packs are a lower cost option where it's just a single package of templates in a single design theme and a lower end version of the Wizard automation software which is good for shorter proposals or if you don't need a lot of the extra advanced features in the Expert Edition. How you decide on what Proposal Pack you want to get, this is one of the most common questions, is what package do I get for the kind of business I'm in. Every single business can use the Proposal Pack for Any Business.

The Proposal Pack for Any Business just has a more visually plain looking design to it and is best for people who are going to add their own logo, set their own color scheme, maybe set their own fonts, and build up the design theme to more match their own business. If you scroll down any of the Proposal Pack pages you'll see the design theme of what the actual Word documents will look like. Now in the front cover these blocks can be swapped out with a different design theme, the colors can be changed, the typography can be changed, you can insert your own logo, and so on.

So you can customize these designs or for say government proposals, things where you want a conservative design, you just use them as is like this. So the Proposal Pack for Any Business will also come with one of our Title Page Pack volumes. This is just an easy way for you to swap out that default block design with a front cover (and a back cover) that's going to have some more color and design to it.

So, for example, you could swap out that blue design we showed a second ago with a nice wood grain design. You could swap out the block design with something has some waves in many different colors. So you have many choices for the front cover and back cover design that are included that you can use.

If you're using this design theme you would pick a design and a color scheme that matches your logo. Now if you want a Proposal Pack that has some design to it already, has some background graphics, a logo design, a matching color scheme. That is what our hundreds of extra Proposal Packs are.

Basically all we've done is we've taken this plain design theme and we've added some extra pictures and colors and graphics. You can click this View all Designs button to scroll through the hundreds of Proposal Packs. Now this is where we can differentiate our designs by actual types of businesses.

Many of the design themes are general–purpose and can be used by anyone. This Classic #6 design, this just has a simple design theme in a blue and green design and you can see how the text is still the same as in the Proposal Pack for Any Business but the colors and the logos have been changed. And this design theme is generic enough it's not tied to any specific kind of business, anybody can use it if they like that color scheme and that little logo design.

So as you scroll down through our hundreds of designs you'll also see some that are photo based. Say Global #4, once you're on any one of these packs you can add it to your cart here. And if you're getting the Pro Kit your first design theme if you add it to the cart and the Pro Kit at the same time will be your free design theme.

Any extras after that will be steeply discounted. If you scroll down you'll see what the Word documents actually look like in these more graphical designs. Another benefit of the Expert Wizard and the Pro Kit is you can actually build your own visual design themes using your own logos your own background graphics and set these elements to your own and build your own complete design theme branded to your own business.

So as we scroll down through all the possible design themes you can just look around and find one that matches your color scheme and your logo or just something you personally like. So that is how you pick a Proposal Pack for your business. It's more picking a visual design theme that's going to fit your style.

And no matter which one you pick you can create a proposal for any kind of business. It doesn't matter if you are an accounting company or a security company or in healthcare or real estate or software, etc. Every single pack can be used to create any kind of business proposal and the visual effect is defined by the Proposal Pack theme.

You see, for example, this Software #1 design theme would obviously be more suited for a software company, even though this pack is going to have material in it for other kinds of businesses you would be using the content for a software company. And as you scroll down these they'll get more specialized. For example, if you're a janitorial cleaning company you can use one of these cleaning company styles.

Some of these are better suited for residential real estate and some would be better suited for commercial real estate. Or for very specialized types of businesses, possibly an HVAC design for a heating and air conditioning company. Plumbing, lawn care, and so on.

Now these are only called Plumbing, Lawn Care, Pest Control, Skyline, and so on because of the look of the graphics. The content inside each pack, the actual text and the writing is the same in every single pack.

So, say you're doing a proposal for a coffee shop or a deli you could use one of these food design themes. Getting into medical and health care, some of these are better suited for clinical type proposals some for pharmaceutical some for personalized health care and so on. If you get down into the transportation designs some of these are better suited for cargo and hauling, safety.

Transportation #6 could be used for a limo services company. So that is all you do for selecting a Proposal Pack for your business is simply find a design theme you like if we have a premade design theme you like. Or go with the plain design Proposal Pack for Any Business and import your own logo, set your own color scheme, fonts, and so on.

Other than that, the only other products we have beyond the Pro Kit bundle or a single Proposal Pack are our individual legal Contract Packs. Now all of these are included in the Pro Kit bundle or they are broken out and purchased individually. Our collections of Title Page Packs.

Now one of these, Volume #1 is included with the individual Proposal Packs. Five of these are included in the Pro Kit bundle and then all others can be individually purchased if you want to swap out say the front cover with something that has a little more color and design to it. And lastly the Expert Wizard software.

Now the Expert Wizard software is already included in the Pro Kit bundle and a Novice Edition of it is included in every single Proposal Pack. If you get a single Proposal Pack, one of these $79 Proposal Packs, you can upgrade the software from the Novice Edition to the Expert Edition. That really is all there is to it.

You simply decide, do you want a lot of material then get the Pro Kit and then add one Proposal Pack design theme as your free design or get any one single Proposal Pack. If you have any questions feel free to contact us and we can help you personally.

Proposal Kit LogoPublished by Proposal Kit, Inc.

Using our professional quality proposal and contract packages, wizards, and support documents to develop your proposals, business plans, and other business documents will give you a comprehensive final document that will present you and your organization as a highly professional alternative that instantly inspires trust.

It will provide you with the inside track. You can order and instantly download the Proposal Kit that best suits your needs.