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How to Create Reusable Content - Clone Existing Project Documents

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This is Part 4 of 5 on how to reuse content when creating documents with Proposal Pack Wizard software. If you have a past proposal, quote, bid, RFP, business plan, report, etc. that is close enough to your next needed document you want to simply make a copy and reuse the existing document you can use the Wizard to clone that past project and its documents. The Wizard will clone the database settings, make a new folder, copy all the documents and even reset dynamic spreadsheet links so they point to the newly copied Excel spreadsheets. This can be faster than generating a new document and having to make custom edits from scratch.

Proposal Pack HelpWatch this related video: How to Create Reusable Content - Reuse Existing Spreadsheets

In this video we're going to demonstrate another method of reusing content in your Proposal Kit. In this situation we're going to show you creating a proposal for a services project and then in this case we're going to make a clone or a complete copy of that last project for your next client. This is a situation where you might have created a proposal in the past for one client and you know that past proposal is close enough to your next client that you just want to go find that project and make a copy of it and just do a quick edit on the document and not have to assemble a whole new proposal from scratch.

We're going to illustrate this video using our Decorator #3 design theme with the idea that this is a proposal for interior decorator services. So we have our Decorator #3 design theme loaded here. And we're going to create the first proposal normally by creating a document project.

And we have an interior decorator example already in the Proposal Kit we can use. All right, so our initial proposal is going to have these 15 pages. It's going to be created in the Decorator #3 design theme and it's going to pull in the content from our interior decorator example.

Our company data is filled in. We'll fill in the client data. Now we've saved the project and we're going to build the first proposal.

Okay now our first document has been generated and you'll see the original sample content has all been pulled in. So let's just assume that we've filled this in. We've done some custom editing.

And this is our final version that we're going to use for the next proposal instead of going through the generation process. So let us close this project. Now every time you create a document project it creates a folder on your hard drive for all the documents for that that project.

So what we're going to do in this case, we'll go back to the Document Project screen and will just select our past proposal. This is the name we gave the last project and instead of clicking Add New Project like we would normally do and go through the whole generation process and creating a new document we're just going to highlight our past proposal. And we're going to click the Clone Selected Project button.

I'll just change the title. Notice it's going to give it a new folder. We're going to leave this checked because we're also going to clone all the documents in that project in addition to the Wizard cloning the database settings.

Now it's made a copy. Now you see we have two projects in the Wizard's database. Now to edit this proposal we have our current project is the cloned copy number two.

Let's go to Button #4 Edit Current Project and you'll see the folder it's working from is our number two and this is the copy. So now we can just do some minor editing to this copy for the new client and we are done. So that is how you use this feature for reusing content when you have a past project you want to simply make a complete second copy of.

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Using our professional quality proposal and contract packages, wizards, and support documents to develop your proposals, business plans, and other business documents will give you a comprehensive final document that will present you and your organization as a highly professional alternative that instantly inspires trust.

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