If you are getting an error message such as:
Not Windows 64-bit compatible, files are missing, catastrophic failure, or some other type of system error.These are all related to the same problem. The download file was not completely downloaded 100%. You must download the installers completely before you can run them. Download the files again.
Make sure if your browser is asking if you want to "Run" or "Save" the download file that you click the "Save" option. Choosing the "Run" option can cause these types of problems.
If this problem persists then most likely something on your computer or your Internet connection is corrupting the download files or terminating the download prematurely. You will have to determine what software may be corrupting the download such as third-party download accelerator tools or what may be terminating your download such as a free WiFi hotspot with restrictions on how much you can download.
If you are getting an error such as:
Access denied or Feature transfer error related to a temporary (.tmp) file.This is related to some third-party program running in the background on your computer that is interfering with the installer program while it is running. Usually it is security or backup software that is detecting new files being put on your computer and is trying to operate on them while the installer is still running. You must shut off whatever third-party software is running in the background then run the installer again.
The anti-virus software "Webroot" and the archive software Stuffit Expander's "ArcNameService.exe" are both known to cause these errors.
See this troubleshooting page for more details and instructions.