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We include this My Story chapter template in every Proposal Pack, along with thousands more. You assemble this chapter with others in various combinations to create custom-tailored business proposals, plans, reports, and other documents. Proposal Packs apply custom visual designs to the templates, giving the final documents a consistent professional finish.


Overview of the My Story Chapter

In the field of business proposals, establishing a personal connection can significantly enhance the persuasiveness of your proposal. The My Story chapter is designed to foster this connection by providing a space where individuals can share personal insights and backgrounds. Unlike more formal sections such as About Us or Company History, the My Story chapter allows the writer to present a more personal and relatable side, which can be crucial in building trust and rapport with the proposal readers.

How is the My Story Chapter Used?

The My Story chapter is typically used in a business proposal to personalize the experience of the reader and create a unique connection. This chapter serves as a narrative space where business professionals can share their personal journeys, values, and the individual experiences that shape their professional ethos. By doing so, it not only adds a human element to the proposal but also supports the professional offerings and competencies listed throughout the document. It essentially helps in humanizing the data and facts presented elsewhere in the proposal, making them more relatable and impactful.

What is Included in the My Story Chapter?

Typically, the My Story chapter includes key personal details that are relevant and supportive of the proposal's goals. Components may include:

  • Biographical information: Birthplace, educational background, and notable personal milestones.
  • Professional journey: Key experiences, projects, and achievements that align with the proposal's objectives.
  • Hobbies and interests: Activities outside of work that might resonate with the proposal's audience or reveal skills and values pertinent to the proposal.
  • Personal anecdotes or stories: Engaging narratives that demonstrate character, ethics, or passions that are relevant to the business context.
  • Vision and aspirations: Personal goals and visions that align with the business's mission and the purpose of the proposal.


Use Case Examples for the My Story Chapter

  • Fashion Proposal: A fashion designer might use the My Story chapter to share their journey through the fashion world, their inspirations, and how these influence their current collections.
  • Image Consulting Services: An image consultant could use this chapter to discuss personal experiences with transformation and self-improvement that highlight their passion and credibility in the field.
  • Art Gallery Proposal: An artist or gallery owner can use the My Story chapter to detail their artistic journey, influences, and the evolution of their style or curatorial practices.
  • Company Introduction: In proposals introducing a company, the founder might share their entrepreneurial journey, challenges faced, and the personal motivation behind their business venture.


Key Takeaways

  • Personal Touch: The My Story chapter allows individuals to add a personal touch to a business proposal, making it more engaging and relatable.
  • Builds Rapport: Sharing personal stories and backgrounds can help build rapport and trust with the readers.
  • Supports Professional Content: Personal details can reinforce and humanize the professional information presented in other sections of the proposal.
  • Versatility: This chapter can be adapted for a wide range of industries and proposal types, enhancing its utility.
  • Engagement: Well-crafted personal narratives can keep the reader engaged and interested throughout the proposal document.


The editable My Story template - complete with the actual formatting, layout and graphics is available in the retail Proposal Packs.
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I found this purchase online while searching for a way to easily write business documents. Proposal Pack has turned my business proposals into professional looking documents. I highly recommend this software."

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Related chapters may be used in conjunction with this chapter depending on your situation. Many related chapters are intended to be used together to form a more complex and integrated proposal.

Related Chapters

Illustration of Proposal Pack Flag #6

The My Story chapter and other chapters are integrated into a Word document as illustrated here in the Proposal Pack Flag #6 design theme. There are hundreds of design themes available, and every design theme includes the My Story chapter template.

A proper business proposal will include multiple chapters. This chapter is just one of many you can build into your proposal. We include the complete fill-in-the-blank template in our Proposal Pack template collections. We also include a library of sample proposals illustrating how companies in different industries, both large and small, have written proposals using our Proposal Packs. This template will show you how to write the My Story.

We include a chapter library for you to build from based on your needs. All proposals are different and have different needs and goals. Pick the chapters from our collection and organize them as needed for your proposal.

Using the Proposal Pack template library, you can create any business proposal, report, study, plan, or document.

Proposal Kit LogoPublished by Proposal Kit, Inc.
Use this page to tell your readers what they need to know about you. You might want to include biographical information such as birthplace and education, work experience, hobbies, home life, etc.-whatever helps to support the ideas included in your proposal. This is intended as a more informal and personalized page for an individual than the About Us or Company History.
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