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We include this Driving Force chapter template in every Proposal Pack, along with thousands more. You assemble this chapter with others in various combinations to create custom-tailored business proposals, plans, reports, and other documents. Proposal Packs apply custom visual designs to the templates, giving the final documents a consistent professional finish.


Overview of the Driving Force Chapter

In creating a business proposal, the clarity and impact of each section are critical. The Driving Force chapter serves a unique and role in this process. This chapter is designed to articulate the main catalyst behind the project, initiative, or shift being proposed. By focusing on the concept, event, or person that is propelling change or action within a company, this chapter helps to set the stage for the rationale behind the proposal and engages the reader by highlighting the urgency or importance of the action.

How is the Driving Force Chapter Used?

The Driving Force chapter is used within a business proposal to provide a narrative or explanation about the motivations underpinning the proposal. It aligns the proposed actions or changes with the interests of the business or responds to external factors influencing the company. By doing so, it helps to create a persuasive argument for why the proposal should be considered and acted upon. This chapter essentially builds the case for the proposed initiative by linking it directly to the driving forces that make the initiative necessary or advantageous.

What is Included in the Driving Force Chapter?

Typically, the Driving Force chapter includes:

  • A detailed description of the key event, concept, or person that is influencing the proposal.
  • An explanation of how this driving force impacts the business or market.
  • A discussion of the immediate and long-term implications of the driving force on the company.
  • Supporting data or anecdotes that reinforce the significance of the driving force.
  • A clear link between the driving force and the objectives of the proposal.


Use Case Examples for the Driving Force Chapter

  • New Product Development: Describing how an innovative idea from an employee led to the development of a new product line that captures a new market segment.
  • Market Expansion: Explaining how the failure of a competitor provides an opportunity for the company to expand its market share.
  • Organizational Change: Outlining how changes in global trade policies are necessitating adjustments in supply chain strategies.
  • Technology Upgrade: Illustrating how advancements in technology are driving the need for upgrades in company software or hardware to stay competitive.
  • Customer Demand: Highlighting how shifts in consumer preferences are pushing the company to alter its product offerings.


Key Takeaways

  • The Driving Force chapter is crucial for setting the context of the proposal by highlighting the main catalyst behind it.
  • It helps to link the proposal to business interests or external pressures, making the proposal more relevant and urgent.
  • This chapter is and can be tailored to various scenarios, whether they are internal innovations or responses to market dynamics.
  • Effective use of the Driving Force chapter can significantly enhance the persuasiveness of a business proposal.
  • By clearly articulating the driving force, businesses can better align their objectives with the proposed actions or changes.


The editable Driving Force template - complete with the actual formatting, layout and graphics is available in the retail Proposal Packs.
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Related chapters may be used in conjunction with this chapter depending on your situation. Many related chapters are intended to be used together to form a more complex and integrated proposal.

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Illustration of Proposal Pack Skyline #4

The Driving Force chapter and other chapters are integrated into a Word document as illustrated here in the Proposal Pack Skyline #4 design theme. There are hundreds of design themes available, and every design theme includes the Driving Force chapter template.

A proper business proposal will include multiple chapters. This chapter is just one of many you can build into your proposal. We include the complete fill-in-the-blank template in our Proposal Pack template collections. We also include a library of sample proposals illustrating how companies in different industries, both large and small, have written proposals using our Proposal Packs. This template will show you how to write the Driving Force.

We include a chapter library for you to build from based on your needs. All proposals are different and have different needs and goals. Pick the chapters from our collection and organize them as needed for your proposal.

Using the Proposal Pack template library, you can create any business proposal, report, study, plan, or document.

Proposal Kit LogoPublished by Proposal Kit, Inc.
Use this template to describe the concept, event or person that is propelling a project, a company, or a change. For example, you might want to describe how an employee's brilliant idea inspired a new product, explain how the failure of a competitor has suddenly opened a new market for you, or describe how changing economic conditions have forced changes in your organization or process.
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