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You can create your customized editable variation of this document using Proposal Kit. Follow these steps to get started.
Click the PDF View link above to see more. The complete sample is included in every Proposal Pack and the included Wizard software can build you an editable version in Word that will be in the design theme you purchased. You can purchase a different design theme than the sample is illustrated with.
This sample was created using the design theme Proposal Pack Computers #5. You can recreate this same sample using any of our Proposal Pack design themes and have it customized for your business.
We include this sample in PDF and editable Word format chapters that can be customized using the included Wizard software when purchased with a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle.
To create your customized proposal using your logo and colors, get Proposal Pack for Any Business. We include this sample in every Proposal Pack.
Once you have ordered and downloaded your Proposal Pack you will have all the content you need to get started. If you order the sample as a template you will download the Word document after ordering and edit it in your office software.
While the Wizard software makes the process more efficient, you can manually assemble your version of this sample using the content provided and just a Word processor. We only include the Wizard software with a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle.
The included Proposal Pack Wizard software makes creating a customized version of this document speedy and efficient. The sample content is in Word format documents, so you can also use the sample text without using our Wizard software. Using the Wizard software, you can create custom variations of this template and automate your quotes with the line item database.
You can customize the layout with different chapters, change the order of chapters, import your content and information, change the visual design, edit the text, and more. You have complete control over customizing this sample.
Software Training for AB Call Company
MindBend Training Institute proposes to train AB Call’s employees in groups so that while one group is training in use of Call AB Call Company can continue their services using their old system. Training will take place in our fully equipped classroom and AB Call employees will be shuttled back and forth using AB Call vehicles. MindBend Training Institute has been in the business of training corporate staff and executives for more than fifteen years.
We specialize in designing courses tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs designed to get results within your specific time frame and budget. In partnership with Call Corporation we have created training course that gets Call customers up and running efficiently in minimum amount of time.
The Objective
AB Call Company call center that contracts to multiple clients has purchased the Call call tracking system and desires to train its employees in using the system as quickly as possible with little downtime for the company. Introduce all AB Call employees to Call basic features. Train customer service technicians to track calls enter requests look up answers and enter solutions into the Call system. Train supervisory personnel to use the advanced features of Call to evaluate and improve efficiency of the call center staff.
The Opportunity
MindBend Training Institute is certified Call training facility. We have proven track record of efficiently training employees and transitioning companies to the Call system. MindBend can train AB Call employees in ‘shifts’ so that AB Call can continue their services while training is ongoing.
MindBend can position trainer onsite at AB Call Company to assist AB Call employees for one week after the Call system goes ‘live.’
MindBend can offer thorough Call basic training for new call center staff as requested by AB Call Company as well as seminars for supervisors.
The Solution
MindBend Training Institute proposes to train AB Call’s employees in groups so that while one group is training in use of Call AB Call Company can continue their services using their old system. Training will take place in our fully equipped classroom and AB Call employees will be shuttled back and forth using AB Call vehicles. MindBend tours AB Call facilities one week prior to beginning training so that our instructors are familiar with the conditions under which their students will be working.
Training of group begins at the MindBend classroom 8. Training of group follows at the end of this session then training for group 3. Supervisor training will be simultaneous.
Total training time for entire company staff. Standard Disclaimer. The numbers represented above are to be used as an estimate for the projects discussed.
The above Cost Summary does in no way constitute warranty of final price. Estimates are subject to change if project specifications are changed or costs for outsourced services change before being locked in by binding contract. Over period of six weeks MindBend Training Institute will train AB Call Company’s employees in the use of the Call software system.
Classroom training will be done by our four Call certified instructors. Lydia Wentworth Carmen Duarte Thomas Nguyen and Patrick Incoye. Each class will last two weeks for total training time of six weeks.
Classroom training will take place at MindBend Training Institute’s facility at Fidelidad Road Philadelphia PA from to F. Training will be performed on computer installations that match AB Call Company’s existing configurations as closely as possible. Each employee student will have his or her own computer on which to practice.
At the end of training each employee student will receive proficiency rating that will be shared with that employee’s manager. Classroom training – Each employee student will receive hours of classroom training at MindBend’s facility. On site training – When all AB Call Company employees have been trained and the company goes ‘live’ using the Call system MindBend will provide one consultant one of the four instructors listed above for one week to answer questions and troubleshoot any problems at AB Call Company’s facility during their regular business hours. Web based training – All in class exercises will be maintained on MindBend’s website for use of AB Call Company’s employees for period of six weeks after the last classroom session ends.
DVD training – DVDs will be provided with the Call User’s Notebook developed and copyrighted by MindBend Training Institute. Printed manuals – Each employee student will receive his or her personal Call User’s Notebook. Ongoing training – After this specific project is complete there may be an ongoing need to train new customer service employees in the use of Call to update employees when new versions of the software are released and to train executives and supervisors in the use of specialized tracking features of the software system.
This project will require the following materials to complete. The required materials have been divided into four categories. Material owned by MindBend Training Institute to be used during the course of the project material owned by AB Call Company to be supplied during the course of the project material to be purchased or leased by MindBend Training Institute to complete the project and material to be purchased or leased by AB Call Company to complete the project.
MindBend Material
MindBend Training Institute will supply all necessary teaching technology such as computers projectors and shared hard drives. MindBend will also supply classroom tables and chairs as needed to accommodate students during this customized training course.
AB Call Center Material
AB Call Center will provide lined tablets and pens for their employees’ use during the course as well any accommodations needed for any employees with disabilities headsets interpreters Braille readers wheelchair ramps etc.. In addition AB Call Company will provide all transportation for its employees to and from MindBend’s classroom facility. Material to be purchased or leased by MindBend Training Institute. MindBend Training Institute will purchase group license and install the Call software system on its training computers for use by AB Call Company’s employees.
Material to be purchased or leased by AB Call Company. AB Call Company will purchase one Call User’s Notebook developed and copyrighted by MindBend Training Institute for each employee student it sends to the MindBend training course. AB Call Company will arrange and pay for catering services to serve lunch to its employee students and to MindBend Training Institute instructors on each day of this customized training course.
Below is list of few recent clients served by MindBend Training Institute. Rev Auto Supply headquartered in Blackstone Oregon MindBend Training Institute currently has contract to teach this company’s employees spread across the U.S. in nine different states to use the Call software system to track orders of auto parts. Wellnor Travel Services Skipway Arkansas MindBend Training Institute instructed this company’s travel agents in using the two standard airline reservation systems. Arrow Rock Georgia MindBend Training Institute taught this company’s call center employees to use the Call software system to track customer service calls.
Left Coast Institute Mossrock California MindBend Training Institute has an ongoing contract to train this private university’s staff and faculty currently employees in the use of online teaching software new versions of operating systems and variety of academic tracking systems. Circle Construction SeaPort Washington On each new project undertaken by this construction giant MindBend Training Institute instructs the project workforce in safety standard practices customizing training as necessary to accommodate any particular needs of specific project such as hazardous materials handling or high altitude work. This is only partial list of the many satisfied clients who have hired MindBend to perform customized training to improve their organization’s bottom line. For complete list of our clients and their comments about our training see the MindBend Training Institute’s website at the URL listed at the bottom of this page.
Proposal Kit is a game changer when it comes to selling your services in a constructive yet powerful way. The software is easy to use. I highly recommend."
The following related samples are also included in Proposal Pack:
The following related templates are also included in Proposal Pack with this sample:
These Excel calculator spreadsheets are included with this template. If you purchase a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle, these proposal pages are generated using an automated line-item database in the included Wizard software. The calculator spreadsheets are intended for use when purchasing only the sample as a static Word template.
This sample was created with Proposal Pack Computers #5. To change the visual look purchase any Proposal Pack and this sample will be created in that design theme.
Add To Cart This Sample Only - (as a Word template)
Add To Cart Proposal Pack Computers #5
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This video shows how to write a training related proposal such as selling training services, products, pitching a training project, responding to an RFP, etc. You can also create training plans, reports, studies and business plans. With hundreds of design themes available and a library of thousands of chapters you can create an unlimited variety of custom tailored documents.
If you purchase this sample as a static template, it will be an editable Word format document; otherwise, if you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of it using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.
You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.
While this sample is an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.
To ensure your proposal stands out:
If you need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.